Today is the day after the 11:11 portal for 2023 when a lot of people are reporting a big shift in the energies, despite all the crazy stuff happening in the World.
For example Green Tara 11:11 Planetary Axis Alignment
I am packing up for the big world tour to Thailand, Australia, Hawaii (Kauai) and the USA. I used this as an opportunity to clear up some old papers from the I am that I am Foundation, Skellig Michael Foundation, the Kingdom gateway foundation pool of light and various other organisations from many years ago. They were put into the fire to release any negative karma associated with these papers /organisations - and to clear the way for a new start.

I read some of the papers which brought many happy memories of the pilgrimages that I made over many years - Uluru and Kata Tjuta, China, Ibiza, Greece and so on. A full list of can be found at Location and Course section at my personal site.