This is a beautiful poem written by a fellow pilgrim on the journey, in South Africa (Cape Town) where we experienced very special moments together.
Beyond the Road
I walked as far as the road goes
Then beyond the road
To who knows where
It was easy to get lost there
With no path or signs anywhere
I had no map or stars for guide
All I had were vistas wide
And the open air
And being the first to travel that way
I had no one to follow
But destiny
A great poem with tons of meaning for me - of the pathless path that Zen masters always talk about! If the shoe fits. wear it - priceless wisdom from Osho.
This is of course my shoe that fits - the Now moment in a forest in Yorkshire on a beautiful spring day - knowing that we have finally made it 100%. It has happened. The switch off of the Omega system.

The original poem
