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Scourging  & Crucifixion

185:6.3 (1995.2) Then Pilate led forth this bleeding and lacerated prisoner and, presenting him before the mixed multitude, said: “Behold the man! Again I declare to you that I find no crime in him, and having scourged him, I would release him.”

185:6.4 (1995.3) There stood Jesus of Nazareth, clothed in an old purple royal robe with a crown of thorns piercing his kindly brow. His face was bloodstained and his form bowed down with suffering and grief. But nothing can appeal to the unfeeling hearts of those who are victims of intense emotional hatred and slaves to religious prejudice. This sight sent a mighty shudder through the realms of a vast universe, but it did not touch the hearts of those who had set their minds to effect the destruction of Jesus.

An innocent man found guilty and condemned to death. The soon to be sovereign of the entire Universe, standing, blood stained and mocked, sent a shudder throughout the Universe.

185:8.1 (1996.5) Here stood the Son of God incarnate as the Son of Man. He was arrested without indictment; accused without evidence; adjudged without witnesses; punished without a verdict; and now was soon to be condemned to die by an unjust judge who confessed that he could find no fault in him. If Pilate had thought to appeal to their patriotism by referring to Jesus as the “king of the Jews,” he utterly failed. The Jews were not expecting any such a king. The declaration of the chief priests and the Sadducees, “We have no king but Caesar,” was a shock even to the unthinking populace, but it was too late now to save Jesus even had the mob dared to espouse the Master’s cause.

So much for the justice system back in Roman times - which mirrors the failure our justice system now.

186:4.2 (2001.5) It was a little after eight o’clock when Pilate turned Jesus over to the soldiers and a little before nine o’clock when they started for the scene of the crucifixion. During this period of more than half an hour Jesus never spoke a word. The executive business of a great universe was practically at a standstill. Gabriel and the chief rulers of Nebadon were either assembled here on Urantia, or else they were closely attending upon the space reports of the archangels in an effort to keep advised as to what was happening to the Son of Man on Urantia.

The entire universe was watching what was happening on earth. Gives you pause for thought - the importance of Urantia and how low we have become.


The mystery of crucifixion is the ultimate test of faith.

I watched the Passion of the Christ (Mel Gibson's classic) with Jesus played by a majestic Jim Caviezel. It is extremely graphic and very difficult to watch. That is all I can say.


Note: Jim Caviezel is the actor selected for a key role in the film the Sound of Freedom about child sex trafficking. Apparently the release date is this month.  It will be another must watch, but hard to see, film.

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