So after a longish break, it was time to take another reading from the Sage. This time we would also combine the reading with the Gene Keys.
After setting the question - "How best to navigate 2025 for the optimal result for all of us".
We received hexagram 57 - Gentleness:
Gentleness of the wind that penetrates. We consulted the Oracle of the Cosmic Way (Hana Moog) which named the hexagram "The Penetrating" - emphasis the quality of gentleness that penetrates - one of the penetrations that resonated with me was penetrating to the root cause. Exactly, that is what will happen in 2025.
Gene keys
Gene key 57 is called "A Gentle Wind". The Shadow is Unease which some of us are feeling with all the crazy stuff happening in the world, including talk of moving to a war footing. The Gift is Intuition. At this time, we need to follow our intuition to discern the situation. The Siddhi (or mastery of the key) is Clarity.
Clarity combined with Gentleness will be the way to navigate 2025.
Thank you once again, for such helpful advice.