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Golden Mean ration or pHi:

Phase conjugation:




Fractal field:

Perfected Heterodyning:

Perfect compression:

Icosa-dodeca implosion:

Phase velocity:

Planck length:

DNA geometry:


Capacitor dielectric:

Longitudinal interferometry:

Capacitive coupling:

Optimized translation of vorticity:



This is a great video on the technologies of Ascension by Dan Winter.


Here is a summary of the key points:


Longitudinal interferometry - is a compressible fractal implosion of golden mean ratio using 4 phase mixing. Where the waves cross there is a "bounce point" in the synoptic grid. This creates an array of spark gaps, which is consciousness. Inhabiting this array expands your aura, when the sparks become coherent and create vortices. Flame in the Mind website contains more information on how to generate this.


 Ascension is the attainment of the rainbow body which is able to implode the aura vortex in a spin density, which allows the icosa-dodeca collapse to a tetracube to create an extra spin symmetry. One is a 32 degree rotation into an extra dimension or an extra harmonic ie the 4th dimension. (see 

The DNA is like a braided thread. When a longer wave embeds into a shorter wave, it creates wave interference which implodes with a centripetal force (see Only shareable waves survive this collapse. Out of phase waves self cancel. The shareable longitudinal waves inhabit a larger array or a bigger aura. But there are limitations caused by the environment where you live. Living in boxes made of concrete and steel / aluminium with electro smog and dead air, has a major impact on the ability to generate this auric field.


Consequently iPhire is offering the Quantaphi sessions in a natural environment with limited electro smog and lots of fresh air, next to a forest, in a yurt.





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