The story of the Anunnaki is very complicated (as with most things). I have been researching this story for some time. It starts with Zecharia Sitchins's translation of the Sumerian tablets (the pre cursor to the creation story in the Bible).
There are many books on the Anunnaki - including Chris Hardy's one:
Recently, we have the return of Enki (Prince Ea) who is apparently making amends for his families mis behaviour here. Please see the previous blog and Michael Salla's Exopolitics videos.
Then there is the Transylvanian Series of books by Radu Cinamar who investigates all sorts of curious phenomena in Rumania and other places, including the Bucegi mountains which apparently has one of the arks that are awakening. Book 6 of this series (Forgotten Genesis) has been referred to many times by Dr Salla, so I purchased a copy and have just finished it.

In the last chapter "The Anunnaki - A Deleicate Problem", Radu Cinamar receives information about the Sirian Anunnaki from Apellos and the holographic plates:
"Sirians know how to pour out their wonderful love, but at the same time, when needed they know how to react very strongly in fights or terrible cosmic conflicts. They do so, however, at a different level of understanding than is perceived by most human beings. The Anunnaki are considered to be true spiritual masters in the galaxy; and that is why, if they support us [i.e. humans on earth], this is implicitly a kind of "recommendation" to other advanced extra-terrestrial civilizations who will understand that this is important".
The presence of spirituality and an implicit sense of a high morality are strongly felt and that is why they are still known by many civilizations in the galaxy as "those who came from Spirit". Wherever they go, they emanate purity, the force of righteous action, from high knowledge in different forms. Metaphorically speaking, we can think of some highly evolved monks who are spiritually worthy, but at the same time, humble and wise.
Please read the entire book as it is very interesting, but as usual you need to read to the very end to get the main message - that despite of our "backward" nature, the original Sirian Anunnaki are taking a major interest in our evolution as we could join them as spiritual warriors to defend the Galaxy and potentially the Universe from the negative entities, including of course the negative "AI God" which is apparently the ultimate entity behind all the corruption on our planet now.
So just like earth, there are different types of Anunnaki. There are the original Sirian Anunnaki who are spiritual masters and revered around the Galaxy.
Then there are the negative ones - the so called Jehovian Anunnaki, Samjase the Luciferian Anunnaki and the Thoth Anunnaki factions that emigrated from Sirius. They are the fallen angelics, the intruder leviathan races as explained by Speaker One in the Voyagers material. They teamed up with the Draconian reptilians and the Orion Greys to take over Earth as a slave race and to try to stop our ascension.
So just like earth which has had very highest of the high spiritual adepts take incarnation here, such as Jesus and Buddha, there have been here the very worse of the worse - Hitler , Stalin, Vlad the Impaler - and shortly a few other names to be added to the list - Soros, Gates and Fauci come to mind. Similarly the Anunnaki races have the very best and the very worse within their ranks.
Of course many different films mirror this - such as Star Wars - some of the Jedi became the dark empire controllers - the Sith: Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader. the same idea in a romanised story in a Galaxy far far away (i.e. here).
While listening to an episode on Spotify with Tim Alberino, I thought I would add a postscript on a couple of topics that he discusses
Tim talks about the way the heavenly realms, including earth, are organised with regents, princes or governors. Well according to the Urantia Book a similar system is used for the entire Universe ie our local universe. Christ Michael was the regent for the Celestial Beings that live in Paradise (ie God). In order to become the Sovereign for the universe, a Son is required to complete 7 bestowals. Christ Michael took his final bestowal here on earth as Jesus. Whilst he was here he ended the Luciferian rebellion on Mt Harmon - which is just south of Damascus and north of the Golan heights. This is referred to the 40 days in the wilderness, in the Bible, where He was tempted by Satan) - in fact this was a huge event as it completed the mission here and enable Christ Michael to take over the responsibility for this universe as the King of Kings.
The dragon and the insurrectionists
I think this refers to Caligastia and his entourage who were part of the Luciferian rebellion and was kicked out when Jesus (Christ Michael) ended our rebellion status. Caligastia is almost certainly of a reptiloid heritage (the dragon). For some reason it has taken 2000 years to complete the story and we are now able (with help from the angelics - i.e. the Galactic Federation) to route out all the negative ETs in our Solar System so we can now in 2023 attain planetary liberation which was set in motion 2000 years ago by Jesus. It is a huge story and Tim is doing a great job is "updating" the Bible accounts to correctly identify the "gods" as extra terrestrial beings (the fallen angelics and their offspring - the Nephilim, from the Cain lineage - not Adamic lineage). I think the Urantia Book is a very useful modern revelation that add so much to explain the brief accounts in the Bible - part
The Devil is dying
Towards the end of the podcast, the question is asked is the Devil dying. My take is that the Devil is a medieval concept referring to the Anti Christ force which is Satanic in nature. But it could refer to the son of Enlil i.e. Marduke who was one of the leviathan intruder Anunnaki races. Kim from UNN explains that Marduke (or M) is dead and she took over "his seat" running the alpha system. It has taken a few years to purge all the corruption set up by Marduke, the parents, covens and their minions - but recently Kim (and the enforcer and team) has had major success and the final stage is more or less complete.
So the answer I would say is the Devil is dead! or rather no longer on this planet. However as the Bible says in the book of revelations (20:1-7):
Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pita and a great chain. 2And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, 3and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be released for a little while.
The Defeat of Satan
And when the thousand years are ended, Satan will be released from his prison 8and will come out to deceive the nations that are at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them for battle; their number is like the sand of the sea. 9And they marched up over the broad plain of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city, but fire came down from heavenb and consumed them, 10and the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.
I think this means that the rogue (Evil) Anunnaki dragon will be held off earth for 1000 years whilst we evolve our psychic super powers. At the end of the 1000 years they/he will be allowed back and will be easily defeated by earth super soldiers.