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5 days ago1 min read
Finding the entrance to Shangri La
After listening to David Miller's December lecture - see below, we need to get ready for the first wave of Ascension (in this stellar...
Nov 51 min read
In the World but not of it
Today is the US Election day (or as Kim explains it on UNN Selection day). We will now enter the final few months of this Crazy world...
Oct 161 min read
The Last shall be First
As it says in Matthew 20:16 "So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen." One of the many...
Sep 181 min read
Victory for the Light
Cosmic ascension, the new QFS, mass meditations and our future
Sep 112 min read
Understanding Cosmic Ascension: Insights from David Wilcock and the Michael Material
Having fun with creating videos using ChatGPT to generate the text, Pixlr AI to generate the art work and speechify to generate the voice...
Aug 241 min read
Our real history?
A must watch series of mini films on our real history i- from Astral Legends ( F Alexander Grey who I wonder if this the same as is the...
Jul 232 min read
The Big Event - 2025?
Since writing my first book One Way Zen, I have been checking out predictions for the timing of the Great Solar Flash event - which will...
Jun 263 min read
Assassin's Creed
I once played an early version of this online game. I had not realised how much "disclosure" was in the game. Here is a list of some of...
May 283 min read
Atlas Netflix film
I have just watched a recent addition to Netflix - a film called Atlas. Atlas is the name of the heroine who is the daughter of the...
May 122 min read
Project Looking Glass
Project Looking Glass is one of the most amazing technologies that seems to use enhanced remote viewing to "see" the future. I covered it...
May 112 min read
Catastrophic disclosure
As most people know, Apocalypse means disclosure (the revealing of the Truth) and not a catastrophe - but what if we are just about to...
Apr 231 min read
Still waiting...
After returning from the amazing pilgrimage to Montserrat, I have been busy getting my static home sorted. But today, whilst waiting for...
Apr 131 min read
Big Meeting
A recent post on Project Camelot is an interview with Ryan Vela. Must watch video (but rather long at 3hrs). Ryan Veli has a channel on...
Apr 32 min read
Re liquidation of Financial Systems
Despite nothing BIG happening re financial systems in 2023 and the US stock markets reaching new highs (on the back of the AI boom), I...
Feb 241 min read
First Contact (Civilian) 2024
So I have a feeling that this could be the year we have been waiting (a long time) for - when there is "First Contact" with civilians on...
Feb 221 min read
The cost of resistance
After visiting the magical Sagrada Familia again, and enjoying an extraordinary chocolate pastry with a flat white at Bo & Mie...
Feb 192 min read
Plastic life
After the blessing of the planned pilgrimage to Montserrat at the beautiful cathedral of Santa Maria Del Mer, I headed to a local...
Feb 81 min read
A proposal for Kim
As a big fan of Kimberly Goguen and the information she provides on UNN, I am concerned at the level of attacks on her which are ramping...
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