So I have a feeling that this could be the year we have been waiting (a long time) for - when there is "First Contact" with civilians on a mass scale. If you have been listening to David Grusch and the testimony in front of a committee of the US congress, there has been contact but with the military and certain politicians
The full energy of 2024 arises in March at the Spring Equinox - 3am 20th March 2024 at the start of the real year (before the Romans and Pope) muddled up the dates - but that is a whole other story (eg why is December - dec = 10) the 12th month?
So my take is that first contact will happen shortly after that - to those that are ready.
This was my dream this morning. From my journal note book:

The dream was amazing - very lifelike - where I saw a massive spaceship which was like a long tube with lots of structures around it, with a sort of cone at the bottom which initially swinging, but stopped when I special note/frequency was sent from the land. Around the massive spaceship there were little disc type craft with people (ETs?) in them.
My feeling was Jubilant - the energy was very positive. But we need to be careful as there maybe contact from negative ETs, but my understanding is that these can no longer be here (as it is becoming pure light) - even when the quarantine fence comes down.
Exciting times ahead!