A lot of people that I follow are saying more or less the same thing - that, after many years of waiting, we are finally at the moment when "the shit hits the fan".
Quite a few are calling it catastrophic disclosure - Michale Salla on Exopolitics, Dr Stephen Greer, Jim on 144K mass meditations and now Courtney Brown on Farsight. The latest video from Farsight (which is free to watch) has, I believe, the best summary:
So it sounds like the process will be:
some initial disclosure next month (October 2024)
followed by more and more during November and December
by March next year, we will either have made it and can look forward to a whole new world system, or we fail and end up in a mess and need to wait (a long time) for another opportunity.
The plan for disclosure starts with the real story of the assassination for JF Kennedy, then the real story behind 9/11 followed by disclosure of the Extra Terrestrial involvement in our affairs (over many years!). The expectation is that by March the disclosure process will die down. This interestingly ties in with the prediction that the first wave of ascension will occur in March next year - see my blog post on this.
I mentioned the need for a big wake up event in my interview with Andy. My advice is "Don't Panic". Watch the whole Disclosure process as an observer - keep your frequency high, meditate and be in Nature.
As Jelalia Starr says, in her interview with Michael Salla, the disclosure process has been tried before with other civilisations and on the previous two occasions, it did not go well - civil wars broke out, leaders assassinated etc. So we need to be very careful and help the "unawake" masses to come to terms with all the lies and deception.
Over the next few months I will be busy with the final touches for my game Kabal, which is not only a great game (with lots of tried and tested mechanics - deck building, area control and worker placement etc), but with a few new ones - the Tai Chi dial, semi co operative game play, Nemesis AI opponent etc., but also a way of explaining the "battle" between Light and Dark - White Hats vs Black Hats - and the influence of Quantum AI.