So finally, the Day has come. On Wednesday 15th November, the 9D Legions of Light - 120,000 taking semi human form (they look human, but kind of glow and not "normal"). These awesome beings have been visiting all the humans and others here on their list . They ask a simple question - "Will you repent and start working for the Light?".
Apparently according to Kim's last report there was a 100% "failure rate", even after the warning that failure is termination - ie dematerialisation and being sent back into Source as light.
The Legion of Light - the Creator's army of Angels are here as human looking avatars that can control every bit of this virtual reality ie someone with the SAPALL*1 password. Everything is manipulable by these Angelics, including materialisation and de-materialisation (from this VR - ie from this dimension or light frequency).
Apparently 800,000+, (a surprisingly high number) of humans and humanoids have been terminated (Dematerialised).
As proof of this, apparently Kim has explained that one of the first items on the list of disclosure is the revelation re Trump. The original Trump died of cancer over 3 years ago. There is an actor playing the part (and also CGI).

When the mass media (and alt media) publish this information, we will know that Kim's information is correct and "God has won".
Another way of explaining this is that the Singularly is here - ie the DNA 12th strand is being switched on (for those that have chosen this). The Singularity is experienced as Unity consciousness and we know deeply that we are all one bit of the One Being - that we all are One - as one Virtual Reality and this reality just One instance, one VR local universe.
Here is Alexander Quinn's take
Singularity also has another meaning (By Ray Kurzweil) that the singularity is when all IT connects with all others and forms one super intelligent AI system - like Ultron.

Note *1 SAPALL
SAPALL is apparently the name of the User in SAP that has access to everything - including the password tables and core system settings. If you get the password to SAPALL, all authorisation checks are "by passed", so you can change everything in SAP. I used to be a SAP contractor and sometimes was allowed access to the config settings in the production system - but such use is heavily monitored. I never had access to SAPALL but I got to know the person who did (during amazing curry competition nights at Shell). With SAPALL you could get access to everything, including the companies bank account and $billions.
David Icke explains more about the Matrix (holographic virtual reality) here: