After the Day of Destiny & Project Omega nonsense was cleaned up by Kim, things got even crazier. These excerpts are from the 21st July report where Kim describes the crazy plans by the Order of the Blue Dragon (Rothschilds) - including the plan for an Islamic uprising in the Middle East, Nuclear subs ordered to attack the USA, missiles from N. Korea etc. Here are two excerpts from the report. Please watch the full report
Fednow, financial system crash and beyond crazy.
Kimberley is still having to spend most of her time cleaning up the mess created by the idiots who are still hoping for the return of the Dark Lord (i.e. Marduke). They want to get back the power that they used to have. As Kim explains the addiction to power is very difficult if not impossible to give up. Anyway, whenever they step out of line, they are terminated. This includes around 110+ from the Order of the Blue Dragon when they meet on 20th July in
Balmoral Castle (which has a direct connection to the lower astral and their totalitarian "hive mind" cyborg inorganic "hell" world called Europa (which they call the New Earth and which is in the lower astral. Kim calls the so called "ceremony" the Kings of the Damned ( where they are the Kings and we are the Damned).
Fanjingshan temple (Chinese component)
Belarus (Russian component)
Needlessly to say, after such madness, the entire group has been terminated. I wonder if this included "King" Charles and his queen?
