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Building the New Jerusalem

There are two massive pieces of revelation / disclosure that I am resonating with:

The detailed summary of the Control System or the Order of the Black Sun given by Kim in her broadcast of 27th June 2022 on United News Network.

and the disclosure / information given by Ismael Perez in many talks. Please see the previous blog post for details.

The plan, which ties into the prophecies of many different systems, including the prophecies in the the Bible as interpreted by a good friend, is as follows:

  • The coming of the Order of Christ (ie Christ consciousness or 5D 5th density unity consciousness) with the final splitting of the timelines at the Great Solar Flash in 2028.

  • Then 1000 years of peace and restitution. During this time we will activate more and more of our DNA until we reach circa 65% to 70%. The integration of these extremely profound codes of light into our bodies will take time. We will become very powerful psychic beings able to manifest reality ( ie the virtual reality) here on Earth.

  • This will quickly becomes Terra ie Harmonic Universe 2 (densities 4 to 6) and then Harmonic Universe 3 (densities 7 to 9).

The Final Battle: At 8th density unity consciousness, we will be ready to take on the AI god (that Corey Goode called the AI signal) that is destroying galaxies. It is programmed to destroy all biological life and replace it with machines in a kind of Terminator future. Needless to say it needs stopping and we will be part of the team that switches it off. We may need to create a superior AI system to do this maybe one based on Quantum computing1.

So I am extremely positive about the future. July 2022 will be the month of breakthrough - assuming that the two week meeting of the New Earth Council mentioned by Kim, starts the process of disclosure with the arrest off the final 41 hold outs. The war in Ukraine can be brought to a peaceful conclusion with no escalation. As if it does not end soon it will escalate according to the in depth analysis of from the Robert Schumann lecture:

Living Water

As explained by Kim, the mantis beings have been re purposed to search for Living Water plasma light filled water. I wonder if this is the same water that John the Divine saw in his vision of New Jerusalem - chapter 22 of the Book of Revelations - the final chapter:

New Jerusalem

So this is all to build the New Jerusalem here on Earth. As the great poet William Blake wrote:

And did those feet in ancient time Walk upon England's mountains green? And was the holy Lamb of God On England's pleasant pastures seen?

And did the Countenance Divine Shine forth upon our clouded hills? And was Jerusalem builded here Among these dark Satanic mills?

Bring me my bow of burning gold: Bring me my arrows of desire: Bring me my spear: O clouds unfold! Bring me my chariot of fire.

I will not cease from mental fight, Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand Till we have built Jerusalem In England's green and pleasant land.

  1. It will be rather like Dolores deleting Rehoboam in Season 3 of West world. I have started watching the new Season 4, but after one episode it is not clear how season 4 is related to the situation in season 3.


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