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Free Guy movie - a symbol of Ascension

The Free Guy movie was released a few weeks ago and is a highly recommended film. It is a love story written alongside a modern take on Ascension.

As usual, the underlying theme of the movie contains disclosure, but this time the disclosure has a very positive take.


Here is my analysis of the film and specifically its ending. It contains spoilers as I need to describe the ending.

The film starts by showing us "Guy" brilliantly played by Ryan Reynolds as a NPC or Non Player Character inside a video game which borrows a lot from classic video games such as Grand Theft Auto. Human players (who wear sunglasses - a debt to another classic They Live) log in to the game and level up by robbing banks etc.

A key moment comes when Guy spots Molotov Girl (Millie is real life played by Jodie Comer). His normal programmed behaviour changes and he leaves the bank where he works to follow her. He picks up sunglasses and "wakes" up to the video game i.e. virtual reality that he is locked into. He then "levels" up by being a nice guy who apprehends the bad guys and becomes an internet sensation - Free Guy or the Blue Shirt Guy.

In the "real world", Walter "Keys" McKeys who secretly fancies Millie, is employed by a crazy Antwan as a tech guy at the company that runs the video game. He enters the game to deal with Guy who he thinks is a player character.

Now we get to find out that Millie and Keys wrote the base AI behind the game which was "stolen" by Antwan. This AI allows NPCs to evolve.

After some great CGI scenes, including the storming of the secret stash by Millie (Molotov Girl) to try to prove that Antwan stole their AI code, we get to the key sequences towards the end of the film.

Free Guy has mobilized other NPCs, including his friend Buddy. There is a great fight scene Free Guy against Dude (an augmented partly coded version of Free Guy) with homage to Marvel (Steve Rodgers briefly appears) and Star Wars with a light saber. Dude is distracted and the key moment arrives as Keys builds a bridge out of the Free City which is collapsing as Antwan takes an axe to the video game servers.


We are now at the end of the movie when the false reality world is falling apart (like now), people are waking up (the NPC characters in the VR are operating from Free will rather than the following their programming) and a bridge is being built to ?

Free Guy runs across the bridge which is also collapsing (and Buddy appears to die) - a miracle happens and the original paradise world appears. In the movie, this proves that the AI code written by Millie and Keys was stolen by Antwan to create his corrupted version of reality. The analogy with what is happening now is that our existing reality is collapsing and the corruption is being revealed. We are at the point where Buddy dies and all seems lost, but all we need to do is keep going, get to the end of the bridge and suddenly Paradise will be revealed at the end of the bridge. As we enter Paradise (the original code for this VR) we

"ascend" into a new world. Buddy is reborn along with the other characters.

And the movie finishes with some memorable lines:

We can do what we like - There are no banks.

That sums up a key element of the process we are currently in on planet Earth. Soon we can live with out money / banks (Ubuntu) and everyone one of us will be able to live our lives with a much higher level of freedom. The corrupted world will disappear and we return to the original program code for the Paradise timeline.


The idea of NPCs waking up aligns with the message from Jason Estes that high octave beings are arriving on earth from 16th August 2021:

This week is going to be a wild one as we begin the largest walkin agenda in human history just over 6 billion high octave beings will be coming in from now till Nov 28th changing human history and bringing with them very powerful codes because each soul will be like a rain drop the light rain will be very intense and spike from time to time some hours we may even cross over 4k data points, this is going to be a very powerful eye opening time for humanity as we finish the redemption of our race and begin our true purpose there will be a lot that is seen that may be shocking or painful just remember it is being seen because it is complete and ready to be let go of once and for all, with so many data points coming in there will be major unlocking in the body and these next few months will be very resource heavy so make sure to check in every few hours with your body and get it the love and support it needs to handle this.


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