Today is the so called Freedom day in the UK as most restrictions for the scamdemic have been removed. It is also the day for the Fire the Grid 2 mass meditation.
I joined the 144K Mass meditation group lead by the indomitable Jim Tourtsakis:
It was one of the most powerful 144K Mass med, not least that apparently 200,000 to 300,000 will be meditating from different groups all over the world. The key moment was when, with the help of the Sirians, Pleiadians and Arcturian star fleets and the Blue Sphere alliance, we commanded the social media, airwaves, wifi routers, satellites and 5G networks etc, to be switched over from any negativity to start broadcasting the Truth. No More lies. [I added the codes for Repentance and a return to connection with Source via Jesus Sananda].

Shifting timelines by visualizing the future:-
Disclosure and release of suppressed technologies - free energy, anti gravity, med beds and replicators.
Vaccination kill switch disabled
Connecting all to the 5th field (see below for details)
Reprogramming negative AI (Laura Eisenhower's global med)
and the arrival of the 4th wave (Higher Self's vision of ascended masters incarnating later on this year into "Background people" bodies or NPCs in this virtual reality).
There is so much happening it is difficult to keep up -eg
Omega Man activation lecture with David Miller and the Arcturians.
Loki - Disney+ TV series
The final episode of the new Marvel MCU TV series about Loki and the Time Variance Authority.
