I have arrived back from our pilgrimage to Edinburgh and Rosslyn chapel. It was perfect in so many ways - more details can be found on the planetary healers site.

So catching up on intel, courses and so on - we are still at a critical juncture and the next pilgrimage to Glastonbury and Tintagel will be crucial.
Today, I researched:
Book of Enoch - Using the app, reading and listening to the book at:
2. Era of Peace:
3. Rhythm of One (an old recording with Tiara of Children of the Sun).

and David Wilcock's Module 4 of Galactic Mind 3.0: Geometric Secrets of Space, Time, the Universe and Everything.
and earlier today, while pondering the insane world we live in and Ascension process - another way of describing it would be like Galactic census - and assessment of the Earth at the bifurcation point - and those that see the Unity in the diversity as explained by Magenta Pixie: