So we are finally in 2025. Many people I follow, including David Wilcock and David Miller (Group of Forty) , are saying that the "Event" - which could be the first wave of Ascension. is predicted for this year.
Current information that confirms this include:
The Lacerta files:
and with some information from someone who claims to be from the Pleiades
which talks about 3 days of darkness when the magnetic field of the Earth is reversed. This ties in with the information from David Wilcock:
and of course Kim Goguen on UNN from the Office of the Guardian:
I particularly like the linkage between the prophecy of the Red Star Kachina (Hopi prophecy - Drunvalo Melchizedek) - the rainbow light show when the aurora borealis fills the sky during the magnetic field reversal and the Samvartika or Yuga fire at the end of an epoch - from the Vedas - David Wilcock in Fog of War - 1hr 30 secs in.
After completing the Emerald Covenant restoration grid work last year, I was called upon to carry out a minor piece of grid work at Clifford Tower.