There are is a lot of information coming out about Enki, particularly from Elena Danaan, for example in her latest book - The Seeders. There is also info from Ileana, Ismael Perez, Michael Salla and Alex Collier. Here are some links.
It is an extremely convoluted story - Is Enki the Good guy? - the one that saves Humanity or is he the Bad guy - the serpent in the Garden. Is he the master geneticist that played such a big role in our creation or is he the one that wanted to destroy us with floods etc and turn us into slaves?
Please do your own research and it truly is a puzzle, which for me is crucial to understanding who we are.
The Seeders Book (p469)
Towards the end of the book Elena Danaan relays her conversation with Enki - or N'Ki (Master of Ki - Earth) whose real name is Ea.
As explained by Prince Ea, we are his children and it was Enlil (N'lil), his half brother, who is the one that wanted to destroy N'Ki's creation and all that he had achieved with his bio engineering in his genetic lab/bio dome (Eden): "When my half-brother discovered it, he feared that the great power of the Terra Humans would activate, that they would learn about their true nature and surpass us in consciousness, intelligence and power".
Michale Salla and Alex Collier (Exopolitics)
As Alex Collier explains, the winner of the battle gets to write the history - so according to him, N'lil amended the story about our history to make himself as God and his half brother as the serpent that led us astray.
Ileana the Star Traveller
Ileana says she has done deep research and says the Second Coming of Enki as a saviour God to fix our DNA is a psyop. She refers to Lisa Renee's Ascension Glossary - Building Enki's Army This is some old data when some "Black Magicians" claimed to be in contact with Enki as part of a Predator Mind process. This could be true but it is not about recent events or about Enki - it is about people who claim to be connected to Enki.
Ismael Perez
Ismael Perez is appearing everywhere on YouTube. There are so many video interviews with him. He claims that Enlil is actually Enki i.e. the good guy is Enlil.
I am not entirely sure about the information Ismael is bringing in. He does not refer to any material to support his view. I like a lot of what he is saying, but some of it does not resonate, including his take on Enki.
While writing this blog, the following words came to me "All Shall Be Well"- one of my mothers favourites:
