What a day - so much happening.
The highlights were:
York PCOL meditations
144K mass meditation
Divine Intervention Activation
and blessing process complete at Hob Moor
Firstly, 21st December completes the 9 day cycle from 12.12 12:12, which we celebrated in Museum gardens. It also completes the 9 year cycle from 21st December 2012. It turns out 2021 is a fractal of 2012.
Previously Michael Salla reports on the Cabal surrender. Please watch the videos on the blog page at
The crystals set up for the York planetary city of light (PCOL) today - 21st December 2021.
Adele led a meditation based on our connection to Gaia via our Earth Star, connecting to Venus and the Venusian love energies and remembering the highest spiritual energies from Lemuria and Atlantis. Then Hannah led us through the re energisation of our York planetary city of light (PCOL) using Alano the moon planet in Arcturus.
Hob Moor
After a quick break (coffee and cake at Nice to see you), we headed to Hob Moor and completed the blessing process from the Callanish stones and other pilgrimages that we have made. This will enable the ending of the "plandemic" and compensation for those that suffered from the Covid bioweapon. See blog on Planetary Healers Yorkshire website for details.
Mass meditations
After Hob Moor, I joined the 144K Mass Meditations Special Ops team group for the Divine Intervention Activation at 4pm:
The decree is for first contact with benevolent star brothers and sisters, who joined in the meditation as huge amounts for dark energy was released as the Cabal leaders released the black magic keys in Antarctic before being portalled out. The dark energy was immediately transmuted by the light from the Universal Central Sun to enable the transition to the Age of Aquarius to manifest with Grace and ease.
The full meditation can be found at www.returntoyourtruth.com/post/divine-intervention-meditation
"I decree and I command physical First Contact with benevolent Galactic beings now! I decree Divine intervention now!"
Wow after all this, feeling blissed out with the awesome nature of the transformation that is happening now.