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The Thirst for Knowledge

Writer's picture: Ocean MelchizedekOcean Melchizedek

Updated: Mar 19, 2024

Of the many addictions, that I have, the one I value is the incessant "thirst for knowledge". I love researching, checking things out, as there is so much information coming out. Hats off the the courage of the whistle blowers to speak out about so much, including the technology that is "behind the scenes". One of these is NGO - Nano Graphene Oxide or Black goo (see below).

Blue Flame Ascension

The book I am currently reading is "the Diamond Codex and the Quartz Key" the latest book by Magenta Pixie. She is bringing down information from The Nine (or the White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine) about the current stage of the ascension process for starseeds, or the "dragon riders". There are two main groups - the Crystal ray and the Indigo ray. The difference is that the Crystal ray needs only a minimal amount of information about the negative polarisation, "service to self" people. The Indigo ray (which is the predominant ray at this time) - have a "thirst for knowledge" and are able to integrate more of the dark side, the shadow side of the One Mind that is creating this virtual reality.

In the section "The Sirian High Council" and the Blue Flame, it is explained that the dragon riders (icosahedron architects) are predominantly indigo. Please check out this section for more information on Blue Flame Ascension.

Black Goo

Black goo - a form of programmable Nano scale graphene oxide is obviously Grey tech. It can be amalgamated with water to create a solution that when absorbed by the body, will be able to penetrate the cell wall and insert the nanotech into a cell where it can build little "factories". This is the tech behind mRNA injections.

It can also be used for treating cancer. From a public perception point of view, this is the main purpose behind bio chemical research into NGO - to facilitate the insertion of chemo therapy type chemicals designed to kill cancerous cells. However, it does not take much to figure out that the programable "kill code" in the NGO could also be programmed to kill healthy cells - ie make a bio weapon.

Please check out this interview with Scott Perez where he explains the research into nano tech.

Sirian Flag or Blue Flame

"Within the Sirian consciousness are living memory souls that hold DNA code patterning of that which you would know as

  • canine

  • feline

  • reptilian

  • artificial intelligence

When these memory matrix souls of light heard "the call" (note 1) from your Earth, they joined the huge starseed influx and a great many incarnated and are still incarnating upon your planet into the third dimensional reality".

There needs to be a balance between all four components. Where there is a predominance of AI "they would have to be 'changed' somewhat from the original human template - this sounds very much like the transhumanism agenda - to create cyborgs, androids or robots.

Note 1 The Call

This was the term used by Dolores Canon as trigger for the waves of star seeds that have incarnated on earth, after the nuclear bombs exploded at the end of WW2.

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