Zen Eucharist Now
There is a form of the Eucharist that is also a practice of Zen. This is the One Way Zen method.
The ceremony is conducted according to the service booklet here. A screenshot of the first section is shown opposite.
It is one of the 4 sacraments practiced by members of the One Way Zen sangha.
Group Gatherings

For Group Gatherings of the sangha and other people, the following protocol is to be observed:
1. Please treat the ceremony room as a Zendo. Leave your shoes outside in a neat row and enter the Zendo in silence.
2. The ceremony will be conducted in silence, apart from the Celebrant who will be the only one that speaks, unless someone has a question.
3. The celebrant will explain the nature of the ceremony and its deeper meanings (if time), along with giving the instructions during the ceremony.
4. Optional extra - please wear or bring something white. Please also bring a crystal as these play a key role in the ceremony.
The Zen Eucharist is open to all faiths - Christian or otherwise.
There are many differences in the ceremony to the ones practiced by the Orthodox (and un Orthodox) Christians - including that we each give the Blessed Bread and Wine to each other as everyone in the ceremony is treated as a priest or priestess.