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Emerald Covenant Restoration - Kaua'i

Writer's picture: Ocean MelchizedekOcean Melchizedek

Updated: Jan 22, 2024

Lead up to Kaua'i Activation

Here is a list of sacred sites that I have visited in preparation for the activation of Stargate 12 - Lyra Aramatena:

Specifically for the 12th stargate activation the following grid work was carried out:

  1. Cornwall (2015) - Sacred Wells (along with the Alpha and Omega activation)

  2. Vale of Pewsey (2022) - Stargate 11 (Vale of Pewsey - Nibiru - Lyra Aveyon corrupted Avalon)

  3. Montsegur (2023) - Stargate 12 (Monsegur - Sol- Lyra Armatena)

Stargate 12 - Cue or activator site for stargate 12 located on Kaua'i, Hawaii, USA

Each stargate is made of a trinity of “inter dimensional” portals. The ones on planet Earth (which is a keystone or nexus planet) are part of a mini Kathara grid pattern of 12 stargates making a total of 36 different locations. These are fractals of the full Kathara grid geometry at the Universal Templar level.

When the restoration of the Emerald Covenant is fully complete, all souls that wish to, can return to embodying full Source consciousness. This involves returning to our original form (ie the original avatar for a human body in this virtual reality). The original is based on the Kathara grid geometry which has 12 dimensions. Our current form is based on the “fallen” version of only 11 dimensions (Note 1).

Location for activation

Here is a brief list of synchronicities and pointers that happened when I arrived in Hawaii. These led me to the location for the activation of the 12th stargate on Kumu Road by Hanalei beach.

  1. Flying from Australia to Hawaii, I forgot about the dateline. I left on the 11th January with an overnight flight thinking I would arrive on the 12th, but due to the dateline correction, I arrived in Hawaii on the 11th and had an extra day as my flight to Kaua'i was booked for the 12th. I booked into a hotel in Waitiki (chosen at random). On an evening stroll, I passed a statue of Duke Kahanamoku and met his grandson. He explained that his granddad was the great Duke from Hawaii that was an American athlete and popularised the sport of surfing. In a way he is regarded as the founder of surfing as a sport. The grandson also explained that the place to go was Hanalei beach based on the beautiful song - Hanalei Moon.

2. I left booking camp sites too late, so ended up at the only place with available sites  - Kumu Camp in Anahola.  Kumu means a teacher as in a teacher of Hawaiian culture including Hula ie the beautiful dance of Hawaii

3. Putting it all together, the location for the activation is Kumu road next to Hanalei Beach.

Following the signs I found the perfect spot, just up by a bridge next to a cemetery. This means that the work being done now is for all our ancestors (and those to come).

The "game" is now over. We are a pure Light planet. All the lies and corruption will be exposed in a huge deluge in 2024. Many things will be exposed (but the full process including ET contact may take some time). For me the big change this year will be financial - All the central banks and governments (corporations) in the world are bankrupt. They need to change - big time and relinquish their custodian role, along with the security contracts and lots of other contracts as they have all have now expired. 

Ka Na'i Aupuni - Hawaii

Whilst driving around Hawaii I have been drawn to listen to this song - Ka Na'i Aupuni.

The key bit for me is "I Ke Kumu Pono o’Hawaii"- translated as "I know the true purpose for Hawaii". Kumu means teacher and Pono means Healthy or Godly ie the True purpose for Hawaii is Aloha - Love.

Next steps

So the next steps after this activation will be Eye Island (the Cue site for stargate 11). The island sits just off the coast near Dublin (ferry from Anglesey) - the plan for summer 2024? But before then Zuckerberg needs sorting out.


So to sum up - the synchronicities lead me to exactly the correct spot to activate the inter dimensional portal here on Kaua'i. It was done with the crystals from Moor Cottage (the selenite orb and sacred healing water from Hannah - Group of Forty and blessed by the Arcturians) - and with the aid of our sponsors in higher dimensions, including of course the Melchizedeks.

Note 1

If you want to know about the Kathara grid geometry, please read / watch as much of Ashayana Deane's material as possible, including Voyagers 1 and 2 and lots of youtube videos.

The fallen nature of the world we used to live in, aligns with Gnostic teachings. The Gnostics say that we are living in a false version or a version that has been corrupted (and created by a false God or demiurge). After the Fall of Metatron, we (as the One being) fell further and further down the dimensions until reaching 3D. We became trapped by the false matrix created by the false god or gods. This was a result of the Fall 250 billion years ago. Obviously this was way before our local universe was "switched on" with the so called Big Bang.

To free ourselves from bondage to the false system, we need to break free. I feel that most people of the planet have this innate feeling of wanting to be free - free to do what we are meant to be doing!. - ie not a slave to a false monetary system (note 2).

For this to happen we need to attain a certain level of consciousness. Many people call this 5D or Christ consciousness. We become the true native human, one with sovereignty and custodianship for Mother Gaia - ie the living being that birthed us along with our cosmic father ie the original Christos founder races (note 4) 

Note 2

The monetary system is in the process of falling apart. According to Kim (note 2). The swift system has had a huge margin call to all central banks amounting to $trillions. Governments (as corporations) and central banks are technically insolvent - ie bankrupt.

Note 3

Kimberly Goguen on United Network News (UNN) is the current occupant of the Office of the Guardian. She gives regular world situation reports on UNN - which is currently on YouTube and Rumble. Details at 

Note 4

The Christos founder races, according to Ashayana Deane (Speaker One) are family collectives that can birth universes. They created this Time Matrix over 250 billion years ago (in earth years). Part of this matrix "fell" when a black hole was created that links us to phantom earth, ie the inverted lower astral planes and densities (Omegaverse) with dark essence. The Alphaverse is made of light essence. Last year the majority of the Omega system was switched off and we are now in a pure light Alphaverse. Most of the dark essence has been cleared, but at the lowest density (ie 3D earth) there is some clearing still to do.

However, with the restoration of the Emerald Covenant and various other things (including the activation of the Sphere of Amenti by Christ Michael (note 6), we are entering 5D. In so doing we are enabling the purification of the corruption (kind of like an anti virus program). We are close to reaching what is called the Nexus or timeline split. Many people interpret this as negative as all the Old Paradigm systems will implode. But some of us will see it as the moment of liberation. Liberation from the false matrix. When this happens we will have all the money we need - as long as it is received on basis of - “Take what you need and leave the rest” (the motto of CARE).

Note 5

Of course the full story of our enslavement of humanity on this planet (Urantia) will take many many hours of story telling, books etc etc. Here is a brief summary

In the recent past (c200,000 years ago) this planet was handed to the reptilian CiaKahrr empire by the Abraxis empire. (If you want to know more about this - see the film Jupiter Ascending).

In addition, there was a deal done with the other main intruder race, the grey or Nebu empire. This was in the 1950s by President Eisenhower. He famously gave a speech about this.

Apparently, the queen of the Nebu empire (located in Orion) has lost the hive mind ability due to a key that was hidden away on Earth. I know it sounds like a movie - it does! We are all actors in a dream - co-creators if you like.

The first of the local universes in this Time Matrix.

The first in the race is the one to accomplish the Resolution of the Paradoxes as Arcturians would say. 

These paradoxes relate to the fundamental timespace co-ordinates within the Time Matrix. We have been "jumping" time lines and with the quantum flip a few months ago, we jumped out of false time.

The astrology for 20/21st January 2024 is very special as Pluto enters Aquarius (0 degrees) at the same time as it conjuncts the Sun. So this is when we officially entered the aquarian age which at the society level is the switch to full 5D consciousness. I predicted in my books 2028, but we could achieve planetary liberation now - 2024!

Note 5

Christ Michael (as Jesus) initiated 2000 years ago the re-combination of the 12th strand of our DNA as a Hebrew Melchizedek of the highest order ie the Lanonandek sons or paradise sons. Our Christ Michael has become King of Kings ie sovereign of our local universe (according to the Urantia book). He was the master that showed us the love of the Creator or Father.

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