So many people that I listen to including David Wilcock, Pam Gregory, Patrica Cota Robles and others are predicting some big changes in the rest of 2024 or early 2025. The astrology for August 2024 is huge. Maybe the Guardian mission to Eye Island is one of the key steps. It is the final stage of the Emerald Covenant Restoration (ECR) process that I am privileged to have worked on.
More details can be found here:
As explained in this blog post, the plan is to head to Eye Island on 9th August 2024 to trigger stargate 11 (Vale of Pewsey). This will start the process of the termination of the Eye of Metatron. Ashayana Deane explains the Fall of Metatron in a YouTube which is referenced in this blog. The Eye was set up to harvest energy to phantom Earth black hole system at 11.5 - ie between 11 (Lyra Aveyon - corrupted Avalon) and 12 (Lyra Aramatena).
What a synchronicity that the island off Dublin is called Eye Island and it is the one where the Eye energy harvesting device can be switched off on Earth (as a fractal of the whole). This is likely to lead to Planetary Liberation on Earth either this year or next.
On Lion's Gate 8th August 2024 I will join to Earth Star Academy at the field of Tara as this is needed as a pre cursor to the activation on Eye Island on the 9th.
2025 First wave Ascension
David Wilcock in his weekly 4hr long talks on YouTube has been prediting the first wave of Ascension, brought about by the Great Solar Flash, to happen in 2025, maybe as soon as 21st March 2025.
In his talk on Quantum Leap of the Solar System (4th August) David explains the Harold Aspden's new science and William Tiff's work on galaxies. This explains red shift in a completely different way to current understanding. It leads to predicting solar flashes. He also talks about the relationship of the Moon to Earth and "squaring the circle" in the Vitruvian Man which I wrote about in my book Ecce Homo - which explains the symbolism in a picture I painted some time ago.
Here is a link to the David Wilcock's talk (at 2hrs 20min) that matches my understanding in the book I wrote. Another confirmation!