The restoration of the original uncorrupted Emerald Covenant to planet Earth will be an momentous occasion. This could be achieved this year!
After completing previous pilgrimages to the Vale of Pewsey in 2022, Montsegur in 2023
and a huge trip to Kaua'i in Jan 2024
the plan is to travel to Dublin - Eye island in August 2024.
Ireland pilgrimage
If you are interested in joining the pilgrimage please contact me at
Here is a brief overview:
Fly to Dublin 7th August 2024
Join Xi and other at Field of Tara 8th August - Lions gate
9th August Ferry to Eye Island and final activation of 11th Stargate, completing the mission that I have been given for the Emerald Covenant restoration
10th Fly back.
Thank you all for being able to do this work for the liberation and restoration of planet Earth.
As a reminder here is an image of the fractal nature of the stargates: