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Dan Cooper's testimony (1st Hour)

Journey to the Truth

Dan Coopers Testimony

The following is a summary of the testimony of Dan Cooper broadcast in August 2021 on the Journey to the Truth podcast hosted by Aaron Kuhn and Tyler Kiwala. There are numerous very informative interviews on this podcast which is still on YouTube. Please check it out. The links to the YouTube videos are shown below

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Sphere Being Alliance & the Outer Barrier

As explained by Dan Cooper, the Sphere Being Alliance (SBA) has created an impenetrable barrier around our solar system. This effectively quarantines this planet and all the other planets in our solar system. It is impervious to inter-dimensional beings as well.

These are my notes from the first hour of part 1 (EP140):

Journey to the Truth

Dan Coopers Testimony

The following is a summary of the testimony of Dan Cooper broadcast in August 2021 on the Journey to the Truth podcast hosted by Aaron Kuhn and Tyler Kiwala.

EP 140 - Former US Air Force: Dan Cooper - Military SSP Whistleblower - Earth Liberation Update

Dan Cooper starts by explaining how the Nazis defeated the US in July 1952 as they had warp 1 spaceships which hovered over the US capitol building. They forced the US government to sign a ceasefire agreement. This is of course a highly kept secret. In 1956 we were traded into slavery by the Nazis and ICC (see below). In order to understand this, Dan Cooper had to explain some “secret” history.

6th Force – Anti-Gravity technology (repels gravity at the speed of light) was bought by Nazis from Nicola Tesla. It had been offered to the USA, but they refused to buy. This technology had been patented in 1921. Tesla had designed an anti-gravity scooter, like the one in Star Wars. A Warp 1 spaceship, with interplanetary travel abilities, needs the 6th Force plus materialization technology and an “over unity” energy source.

Nazi Bell experiment explained but needed a large energy source - 1 megawatt of electricity flux line.

Dan Cooper then explains his super soldier role. He is also a patent lawyer as well as a physicist and an inventor. He has won many cases against governments using mandamus. He has also developed an over unity energy solid state device. This meant he had another controller assigned – the Admiral asks about how many independently derived the 6th Force (the answer is 5). Dan Cooper then explains how he discovered this force (by accident). This was due to a specific lightening pattern EMF waveform and frequency hitting aluminium oxide.

USS Eldridge (Philadelphia experiment) uses 2 inches of aluminium sheet plates on ship’s decks with lightening device at bow and stern releases 6th force, causes ship to disappear.

All these forces are revealed in nature, including the 7th and 8th forces.

Secret Space program and US military discussed.

The Draco Slavery agreement

The interview then reveals that there was a deal done by the Nazis and the ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate) with the Draconian Empire in 1986. This agreement was to deliver up over 90% of the human population to various planets / ET races as worker slaves. This would happen when our population reached 7 billion. We are in a 250,000 year old genetic experiment on this planet. This aligns with the testimony of Corey Goode. We hit the target population in 2014 and we would have been delivered up in December 2014, if it was not for the Sphere Being Alliance.

The Draconian empire rules millions of planets in 1000s of galaxies. This is a HUGE empire and can defeat anyone in battle. The way we are surviving against such a huge empire is another part of this amazing story.

The Nazis, the ICC and parts of the US military have allied with the Draconian empire, including the Greys who gave us the some of the technology. The Nazis surrendered to with the Draconians as they were so powerful.

Sphere Being Alliance and the Super Federation

The Super Federation is made up of 60 ET species overall Galaxies, including the Draconians. It is more powerful than the Draconians. The Sphere Being Alliance (SBA) is part of the Super federation and consists of 5 very high frequency species.

In 2014 the SBA put up the Outer Barrier around our solar system. The Outer Barrier cannot be penetrated by the Draconians (or any other species) so they could not reinforce those Draconians on the planet.

The BRICs alliance including the white hats of the US military are working with the Earth Alliance are fighting against the “bad guys” i.e. the Draconians, Nazis and ICC and the 1986 agreement.

In 2012 the SBA asked Dan Cooper to go to the US president and secretary of defense and heads of GOP and tell them about the Outer Barrier, so they were foretold about this. The SBA would not have put up the barrier unless they thought we had a chance to defeat the bad guys.

They got together with the Nordics and – cleared out the 113 DUMBs (Deep Underground Bases).

The Mohammed accords

The Nordics signed a treaty with the Draconian Empire not to engage with each other. They have broken this (to help us). They would not have done this without the Outer Barrier. This ties in with disclosure from Corey Goode and David Wilcock. This is from a blog from 2016:


One of the most bizarre pieces of new intel we have gotten concerns the very recent efforts to end the Mohammed Treaty.

If this is successfully done, then it represents a landmark move in which these various groups could again begin appearing openly before us.

However, for some outrageous reason these accords have to be voted on and agreed to by all parties involved — both good and evil[2].

Nordics have been here for 17 million, they went underground or into the centre of the Earth (as it is a toroid – there is a “hole” through the centre which is hidden by the no fly zone over the poles).

When the Dracos are defeated, the technology will be released.

Time travel

The SBA don’t use looking glass technology. They can actually travel to the future to see it. There is only one natural timeline[3].

Bob Lazar developing hyper drive (or temporal drive). You need temporal drive to travel the galaxies or use stargates. There are only three “galaxy to galaxy” stargates in our galaxy. We have one in our solar system – Ganymede. Ganymede is not a moon it is a stargate. There are numerous “planet to planet” stargates in our solar system. Cannot get passed the outer barrier using stargates. You need to use the 8th force, which is inter-dimensional, a bit like the Tardis in Dr Who. The outer barrier is based on the 8th force and covers all universes and dimensions. The only way through the barrier is to get permission from the SBA. This is only possible if you submit to a trial.

Battle of Dulce

This was a real battle where we lost 30 special forces to 1 draco. Now with extra technology the ratio is down to 5 humans lost to 1 draco.

Space force came into being in 1952, but we are just finding out about it. Dan Cooper was a space force soldier. CIA is control of Earth Defence Force. Warp 1 is used around the planet, but Mark McClandish gave Dan Cooper drawings of space ships, including the Aurora Pulser[4]. This uses 6th force engines (in balls manipulated magnetically).

US Election fraud

All elections rigged by CIA for a long time. This was made easier when the using computers. Trump recruited by the White Hats as part of the rebellion. They tried to rig the 2016 election but they failed and Trump got in. Obama’s secretary of state Kerry with Biden went to McMurdo base on Antarctica.

Vatican involvement

First able to go back in time, in person. Asked for permission from Super federation to go back and only allowed to observe or verify. They went back to verify life and times of Jesus Christ and Mohammed and others

They (Vatican monks) found out Jesus was an alien (from SBA) and had given his teachings on many other planets. SBA has planet sized spherical ships using 8th force. Only one being is needed to operate this huge ship. Great psionic power to move the ship. No matter can be taken into the ship. Sop SBA are highly spiritual beings that have no attachment to materiality.

They changed time to make it that the Nazi’s won the war. Randy Cramer talks about nudging time back to natural timeline. Corey Goode says time is elastic and goes back. Randy Cramer explains about monasteries in the future that are monitoring timelines.

Dismantling power bases

The unholy trinity of the Vatican, City of London and Washington are being dismantled.

90% of bible has been suppressed. Draconian control religion for their benefit to suppress technology, control the slaves, and to train humans for life on the 26 planets that had bought “you all”.

1/3rd of population is being culled (Vaccines and Virus). Plan was to distress the planet to the point where everyone falls for the story: “You are all going to die because of X” – global warming, supernova or whatever. So we would fall for the trap of going on to the ships of the 26 planets. They would offer us a much better lifestyle – big house, well paid job, live longer etc. “We will save you from X calamity”.

They are still hoping to take down the outer barrier.

Watch from space using DNA tracking. Our DNA when we are born is sold as part of the agreement.

Mars colonies

The 5 Mars colonies – are all coming home.

Planet sized SBA ship sucking out the plasma form the Sun. Reduces the dangers of a solar flash.

1 hour in.

[2] David Wilcock blog 19th June 2016: [3] The natural timeline is called the sacred timeline in the Loki TV series on Netflix. While this is a fictional account of time travel and the dangers of altering timelines, it has a lot of disclosure in it, including the Time Adjustment Bureau whose job it is to nudge the timeline back to the sacred timeline, if a variant meddles with the timelines. [4]


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