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Day 2 - 24th April 2021

Lots to report on the second day of the two weeks from 23rd April - The Greatest Timepoint in Human History.

I spent the morning in meditation with various guided meditations and transmission:

  1. Celestial Breathing - Era of Peace

  2. Bless the Water - White Rose Gaia

  3. Grand Integrator - From I Am Avatar

  4. Sacred Quest - Magenta Pixie

  5. Global Mass meditation - David Wilcock

The Sacred Quest is a package of 7 beautiful guided meditations by Magenta. All are extraordinary with powerful visualizations. The one today was the Temple of Dreams where you discover your magical name. So today I know my magical name!


Planetary Healers Yorkshire have a number of pilgrimages planned for June 2021. The main one is to Glastonbury, Tintagel, Avebury and Stonehenge. For details please see the website. We will need transport for this. This pilgrimage will be preceded by a pilgrimage to Edinburgh (by train) and to Rosslyn. Again details can be found at

I am checking out RVs / Motor homes which could also be used as our pilgrimage vehicle.

Check out this one:

Lunch at Tabanco

I have a procedure that after a morning of meditations etc., to complete with a celebration. This was a piece of advice from Archbishop Sentamu when he was the Archbishop of York.

So I meet up with Rob for lunch of tapas and sherry at Tabanco near Walmgate. A super spot with an outdoor area:

Still no major news in the Main Stream media - just the usual sleaze in politics:- Cummings , Cameron & Johnson etc.

Watching Simon Parkes who is still amazingly on YouTube:

and huge rally in London - COVID sceptics gather for 'Unite for Freedom' rally in London

The World is Waking Up.

Evening - continue watching Twin Peaks season 3 - captivated.

(and received a book that I used to have by John Petersen - "A vision for 2012". I lost the book somehow, and just realized that the author is the same person who has "reappeared" with Robert Steele)


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