Just before the Guardian Mission to the Vatican, Kim explains in her latest report (6th Jan 2023) that the Holy See (i.e. the power behind the Vatican / Black Pope) has lost its sovereignty:
So the Holy See has no sovereignty anymore. It is like they never existed anywhere. So do the Jesuits actually have any power? Absolutely none. Zero. If you are a Country and you are sick of them, you can kick them out. You have no Agreements under the Holy See any longer. Kick out the Templars; kick out these people;.do whatever you need to do because you have no Agreements with the Church itself - with the Holy See…
From transcript made by LVCA Morrow on telegram
The above is an extract from a news report on United News Network (UNN).Please subscribe to United News Network - as subscriptions are used to fund improved education systems
This is huge news!! In addition, later in the report Kim explains that the head Jesuits tried to hold their annual meeting to renew their dark agreement over the souls of all the people of Earth. The meeting is in the tunnels system underneath the Matterhorn. They made bad life choices and have had their existence here terminated.!
Synchronistically, YouTube selected this for me:
Jordan Maxwell explains how maritime law is used by the Holy See (or Sea) at 15.24 mins in.