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May Day

I did not write a blog for yesterday, so this one combines both days. Today is 1st May or Beltane, which has a lot of spiritual significance. Jim (the Unknown Light warrior) as put out a call for the 144K Global Mass meditation tonight at 8.15pm:

The Q Team (White Hat insiders) are now broadcasting clear 'comms'. Participation on this Beltane Mass Meditation has now escalated to compulsory & must be attended under any circumstance (unless you're on a hospital bed) ... because of developments that are clearly now beginning to coalesce to one 'mother' of a crescendo this May 1st ... The Beltane ritual day. See for yourself ... by examining the Q intel drops, as part of your prep, and to understand the backdrop in which the 144K will be making its move on May 1.

Let's just say ... it's a classic case of - MAY DAY - MAY DAY - MAY DAY ... for humanity on May 1st ... if the 144K does not intervene, despite the primary positive timeline being secured. The Cabal can still harm a lot of people.

So I for one will be on the airways today and tonight, securing the optimal timeline against the shenanigans of the Cult.

Other factors worth mentioning

  1. Yesterday received an profound Teisho (Teaching) from Chris Collingwood, our Zen teacher on case 31 from the Gateless gate - "Go straight ahead" - see below

  2. Watched Twin peaks Season 1 - Episodes 1 to 5 back to back and remembering how awesome it was all those years ago. David Lynch at his finest. "Damn Good Coffee".

The Gateless Gate 31. Joshu Investigates

A traveling monk asked an old woman the road to Taizan, a popular temple supposed to give wisdom to the one who worships there. The old woman said: "Go straight ahead." When the monk proceeded a few steps, she said to herself: "He also is a common church-goer."

Someone told this incident to Joshu, who said: "Wait until I investigate." The next day he went and asked the same question, and the old woman gave the same answer.

Joshu remarked: "I have investigated that old woman."

Mumon's comment: The old woman understood how war is planned, but she did not know how spies sneak in behind her tent. Old Joshu played the spy's work and turned the tables on her, but he was not an able general. Both had their faults. Now I want to ask you: What was the point of Joshu's investigating the old woman?

When the question is common The answer is also common. When the question is sand in a bowl of boiled rice The answer is a stick in the soft mud.

The big idea in Season 1 is Mystery of who killed Laura Palmer, The answer is to leave it in the mystery (like a Zen Koan). The mistake was to have it answered in Season 2, which leads on to Season 3.

Snickleways continued

Just completed the second section of the Snickleways way Holy Trinity church (still closed) to Peckett's yard


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