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Pyramid Shelters

I received this vital piece of information from Andrew Bartzis, the Galactic Historian: "During times of High Energy purifications it pays to be located in a pyramid fall out shelter".

Photo from pinterest

And the quote from Rob on Facebook

"Before Christianity, these people were called The Way, and never ever used churches or Temples. Jesus said, Do not built Temples in worship of me, because you are the temple, go within yourself".

i.e. the pyramid fall shelter is with each of us - at the frequency of Love

My one is located in a forest - which is perfect

and about pyramids in general and the Great Pyramid at Giza - was not built by Cheops masquerading a Khufu - see this article and Sir Richard Wyse, con artist and a Lord!

Please also refer to my book Ecce Homo for more information on the geometry of pyramids:

the fallout shelter also includes protection fields. My favourites are the one transmitted via I am avatar, the 27 esoteric merkaba protection field. The rose gold light, the gomalgam and maharic shild 12th dim light (Ashayana and Liza Renee) or any of your own choosing, including protetion by angels and Jesius


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