How about this for a "thought". We are living in one of many virtual reality local universes in this Time Matrix . According to the Voyagers material and the Urantia Book, there are many local universes created with one of the seven possible combinations of the three celestial beings - God the father, God the Eternal Son and God the Infinite Spirit. We are in the seventh one that has all three "principles" - Father, Son and Spirit. The Time Matrix was created by the Christos founder races over 250 billion years ago (earth years), i.e. well before the age of our local universe. It is estimated that our local universe virtual reality was "switched on" 13 to16 billion years ago.
The Time Matrix is fractal and runs in cycles of time according to the complex geometry of the quantum world. The cycles play out in different timelines within local universes.
What if there is a "race" between these local universe simulations and we have just won it. The speed at which the world is waking up to what is really going on, i.e. entering 5D or an enlightened consciousness in the virtual reality, is very impressive and that this has gone very smoothly considering what was planned by the "opposition.
According to Kim in the report about the Quantum Flip, we are now in Crystal time (real time) i.e. the optimal timeline. We did this in record time in this cycle. We have won the race.