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Blue Flame Ascension

Writer's picture: Ocean MelchizedekOcean Melchizedek

Updated: Mar 6, 2024

The Ascension process in the Voyagers material

According to the Voyagers material, there are two key groups incarnating on earth to enable an important part of the ascension process. This is explained on p200 under Things to Come:

The following chronology of events also includes the Activation and Infusion schedules for the Keepers of the Blue Flame and the Keepers of the Violet Flame. Many of you reading this book may have hidden soul agreements to serve as a Keeper of the Blue or Violet Flames. The Flame Keepers are a specialized soul group that carries the Celestial Silicate Matrix gene code, who incarnate during various time periods to assist the Palaidorians of HU-2 with the human evolutionary process. Flame Keepers possess specialized genetic codes that will allow them to hold UHF within their bodies to assist Earth with the Stellar Activation process. These writings represent a “wake-up call” to the Flame Keepers, it is time for them to remember their higher calling. Those of you who feel drawn to the concept of the Flame Keepers are likely to be members of the Blue or Violet Flame soul groups. The Keepers of the Blue Flame (Tara’s HU-2, D-5 morphogenetic field) begin and complete their Stellar Activations and Infusions just prior to Earth's Activations and Infusions. 

This is a key step in the SAC (Stellar Activation Cycle) in the time period after Voyagers II was published, but now has past. The Blue Flame Melchizedeks (*1) have had an important role to play on many other occasions. Please see the footnote below.

The importance of the blue flame is also highlighted by the Nine (*2) as explained by Magenta Pixie in her latest book:

Excerpt from The Diamond Codex and the Quartz Key by Magenta Pixie

“The individuals that do integrate the understanding of positive and negative polarisation have a higher charged form of “blue starphire” due to the integrations of the negative polarities having taken place whilst in the physically incarnated third dimensional aspect.

This becomes indigo starphire which is still within the blue field but contains elements of the red or ruby field. These individuals are able to transform the dodecahedron within the DNA structure into a higher formation which is the icosahedron”

This needs a bit of explanation. Magenta Pixie has written a series of books based on download she receives from the White Winged Collective of the Nine - or just the Nine. I feel this information is coming from a very high source. For me they could be from the same source as the Maja Grail line teachings.

There is the Voyagers material a wake up call to blue and violet flame holders - well fortunately there was enough of us, doing our missions in the period 2012 onwards, so that now we are getting ready to experience the full Sun’s ascension into a Pure Light system. The Deep State mis behaviour will be / is being exposed as the light shines on all the "behind the scenes" stuff. When this occurs in the mass media, it will be the disclosure event that is way overdue in my reckoning. But will happen in reality over time. The issue is that we need to be patient as it is taking time to switch from dark to light - normally there is a 1000 year neutral age (strictly 1008) years, but this ascension is Massive and only tried in exceptionally circumstances. 

And for some reason we are in one now. 

What is interesting to know is that because this virtual reality simulation is doing so well (many other alternative timelines blow themselves up), we can activate the Blue Flame as the dragon riders of our own Blue Flame dragon. The full bliss of the implosion of the soul matrix plasma light in the phi ratio passed planck length - into the quantum foam, but also (because of the amazing fractal nature of the VR - our conscious can stretch right up beyond this local universe to the MULTIVERSE - or the continuum. 

Electro magnetic explanation

I am indebted to Dan Winter for so clearly explaining how the collapse of the plasma electro magnetic field of a persons DNA through symmetries at physical and non physical levels enables the manifestation of all sorts of psychic phenomena, the experience is of Heart based Love ie the Source pure light is what is called the fathers love - but it also combines now the full heart flame (as the divine female pink ray is blending with the blue flame to made the violet flame.)

Please see for this image (on pinterest)

At the best level, this is pure sacred geometry realised inside your own DNA. The blue flame holders have a major job to do, along with the violet flame holders to support the indigo children here which will birth the new Heaven on Earth in full blossoming after the Great Solar Flash.

The DNA basic geometry is a dodecahedron at the level of the double helix twisting on another symmetry. This twists on itself as braids of rope do. One strand is twisted around another to form greater and greater (fractal) levels of depth. This transforms the dodecahedron into an icosahedron. This is because the number of voices on a dodecahedron is the same number as for an icosahedron, namely 60 - in the case of the dodecahedron, each face is a pentagram (5 sided) and has 12 of them - 5 x 12 is 60. The icosahedron is made on equilateral triangles (3 sided) and has 20 of them - 3 x 20 is 60. So the transformation is easy. In elementary terms the duodeca represents water and the icosa spirit - but the reality is they are both the same at a group theory level. 

The process involves compressing the plasma flame vortex down in a phi ratio to planck length. This is the lowest level from a physical matter/anti matter level. Below this there is the sub quantum level - the pure ethereal light from the Kundaray fields (dimensions 10 to 12) - HU4 which was corrupted in the Fall of Metatron to create a black hole system. We are at this moment closing off the black hole portals to the demonic lower astral levels, so we can operate a pure light system.

When this is accomplished, we can assume a new avatar evolve from this one, that will, enable the final stage of the collapse of your energy system at planck level becomes scalar on a mass scale. Scalar is more properly called transverse, as explained by Dan Winter. Transverse as opposed to transmitted waves which have polarity. When we access these scalar waves we can have free energy. This on its own will transform our world, including the cost of living crisis.

Nikolai Tesla knew about scalar energy but his science was quashed. However, there are so many of us now, we cannot be stopped. 

Basically the Blue Flame Melchizedek intervention will mean that there is no stopping the ascension process for those humans that are choosing the new way of living. Living in nature - not at odds with the Mother, but living in tune with Her.

Blue of course is the colour chosen by those awesome extra terrestrial beings - the Arcturians. 

And the blue avians - an offshot of the arcturians?

Foot notes

Note 1 Blue Flame Melchizedeks are the holders of the pure Grail teachings, in their uncorrupted form. A few examples of these awesome beings are of course, the two masters that I follow- Gautama Buddha and Yeshua in the J-12 form. The other example is Akhenaton who was able to set up the full Halls of Amenity, ie the full 12 stand DNA genetic code, that allows for the full collapse of the plasma light in the so called Kundalini experience of Divine Bliss. The amount of light you need to hold in order to hold the full Blue Flame is ALOT. The energy has many names - Chi, but it is blue flame chi, ie from the light blue of the Virgin through to the deeper blues tinged with red to make an Indigo Violet Flame. The spiritual mechanics needed for this is what you need to know . There is an electric/ magnetic explanation for those of you who like geometry. (*3)

Note 2 The Nine is of course a reference to deep space nine and the Prophets, the name of the mysterious beings in Star Trek, name by Gene Roddenberry (who wrote the first few series of Star trek). Apparently, he based the Deep Space Nine Bajoran Prophets on a similar idea. The prophets live outside the system in another dimension. From wiki: The Bajoran Prophets were a race of non-corporeal energy beings that existed outside linear time.They were introduced in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode Emissary and resided in the Celestial Temple, a stable wormhole near Bajor. Faith was necessary for surviving the Cardassian Occupation, and religious practices were a core part of Bajor long before its inhabitants toiled under the whip of space imperialism. The Orbs of the Prophets were mystical artifacts that solidified the faith of Bajorans, making them one of the few Star Trek species that practices a fully realized religion. The first Orb of the Prophet appeared over the skies of Bajor 30,000 years ago, and it was all the proof Bajorans needed that there were powerful celestial beings watching over them. The Orbs caused a lot of drama in Star Trek, from time travel shenanigans to unearthing deep dark secrets.

Note 3: Geometry explanation: The DNA is a double helix, but that is just the inner strand. But it contains the code for the next human version. The next race genetic has many names. I provided a list of names in my first book. With practice you can pump your spinal fluid (yoga) and open the channels (or nadis) - so that your body becomes filled with light. The DNA spirals and wraps around itself using the dodecahedron structure until it becomes and icosahedron. This transformation took me awhile to understand, but the origin for this piece of wisdom is Jiva of the Temple, who is a master geometrist who worked with Juliet in the Template ceremonies. I have done all 16 with of course the amazing geometry of the 16th ceremony! - see Anyway, when the spiralling DNA with the full 12 stands activated, the human becomes the angelic human which is able to understand at a deep level that we are all ONE - beings inside the mind of a celestial bing (or 3 beings) ie an emanation from Source. In order to play in the "VR game" the celestial being has manifested into existence, it creates avatar bodies. These do not exist unless observed - basic quantum physic. Therefore we are in a Simulation , an extremely complex system of narratives or stories ie we are each a bubble of reality with a personality or unique identity. But this is equal in "God"'s eyes ie the first first chapter of My Way Zen part 1 - the Unique Self. We are all unique and therefore precious to Source as everything else is.Source works in cycles or program time periods within which self aware beings like us can evolve in understanding who we are.  So the next topic will be the Zen paradoxical question of Life or Death

Note 4: Alchemical explanation

The blue flame ascension process can be explained in alchemical terms as various hormones and other chemicals in the human organic body. A great explanation is from Kelly Marie-Kerr:

A quick summary is: the seed is created from the interaction between the pituitary gland and the pineal gland and goes down the spine (the 33 vertebrae) and activates kundalini, the "sleeping snake" as the base of the spine. There is a massive burst of energy that flows up the ida and pingala nadis criss-crossing the chakras until it reaches the cerebellum and goes through the crucification. This lets your body create two amazing chemicals - DMT which breaks you free of the illusion (the matrix) and another hormone - pinealein? which heals the body as directed by the cerebellum. The full explanation is in the book the Sacred Secretion:

Note 5: Dune 2 Film

After watching the latest film in the Dune series, I wondered whether Frank Herbert knew how spot on he was when he portrayed the Water of Life as a blue liquid.

In my view Dune by Frank Herbert is right at the top of the classic SciFi stories. I dropped into the Dune world by playing Dune, the board game. The original game has been re released as is still just as good. And in my view, David Villeneuve and others have done a great job in translating the book into a film series. I cant wait for part 3,

While it is very long, it does a super job of portraying the world of Arrakis or Dune. One of the key moments is when our hero Paul Maud'Dib drinks the Water of Life, a blue liquid, harvested from the death of a baby worm (shai hulud). The worms generate spice which is needed for space travel. (I wonder if Frank Herbert knew about DMT and its power?)

The liquid is a poison that is predicted to kill males, but Paul is saved by Chani, through her tears of sacrifice - the love of a woman is often the saving grace - like in the Flying Dutch man or Trinity in the Matrix.

Note 6 Indigo, Crystal and Blue flames

In her book The Diamond Codex and the Quartz Key, Magenta Pixie futher explains that people who activate the blue flame are the dragon riders:

The blue flame is the material of blue starphire. It is liquid plasma. Blue starphire is the charge needed for acceleration of ascension and the creation of the 'dragon's ring of fire' (the stargate) which is the dodecahedron formation within the DNA. (Chapter 16).

Magenta also explains different roles of the dragon riders. The main ones are

Crystal: Some will 'skip over' the darker information.

Indigo: These have a deep blue flame with hint of red, making and indigo (or violet?) flame. These individuals integrate the positive and negative polarisations.

I like this explanation as for some reason, I have a thirst for knowledge both positive and negative. But I recognise that some people "skip over" the dark, negative information. The difference is that we have different roles to play in the ascension.

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