This chapter provides a summary of the first two books of the One Way Zen series. One Way Zen is about the spiritual journey we are all on, both from a personal perspective and from the Big Picture, including the theory that we are living in a virtual or simulated reality. The principal areas covered were:
Part 1
Unique Self – we are all unique with different perspectives and lifetimes. Consequently, the best place is to be in “non- judgement”.
Virtual reality – we are living in a holographic, simulated virtual reality. I have named this Q♀VR.
Great Solar Flash – the prediction that sooner or later we will experience a 3600 CME (Coronal Mass Ejection)
Melchizedek covenant - presents an updated version of the original covenant
Ascension – the explanation given in One Way Zen part 1 is basically to raise your frequency, which in turn raises the frequency of the planet. A more detailed description is presented in the Voyagers material based on he MerKaBa teachings and the Keylontic Morphogenetic Science and the Cellular Alphabet, the Silicate Matrix gene code, the Soul Matrix, the 6 Primary Levels of Identity model of multidimensional human consciousness and Keylontic Exercises for memory recall and bio-energetic field balancing. This science was presented by Ashayana Deane in Voyagers volume 1 – The Sleeping Abductees.
Journey hOMe – the description of the journey hOMe is given in Appendix is based on the Urantia Book. The one presented in this book is based on the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO). This will be explained in more detail in Chapter 5.
Part 2
The second book covers how the timelines will converge at the Great Solar Flash (GSF) and then split or bi-furcate into two or perhaps three different timelines. This occurs at the Timeline split.
Timeline split
At the nexus point, there will be a choice to be made. The choice is basically between Love or Fear. It can be thought of as two timelines:
Timeline 1 – Paradise or Ascension timeline
Timeline 2 – Armageddon timeline
Sometimes it helps understanding to use IT language as an analogy for some of the processes involved. After all we are living in a virtual reality. My analogy would be the way IT project teams upgrade computer systems. It would be a huge mistake to upgrade without a back up. So the process is to build the new system alongside the existing (or legacy) system. The new system is thoroughly tested and when it is ready, it “goes live”. But the existing legacy system is not switched off. Instead users are migrated to the new system in batches. The new system will have minor bugs, these are fixed. But if the new system has major operational level bugs, then users can go back to the legacy system, until the new system is fixed and then the migration process can start again. When all users have transferred onto the new system and it passes “warranty type” tests, the legacy system can be put into archive status. It will stop processing transactions, but will still remain in case it has some information that is needed that is not in the new system.
I have been on many project teams that have successfully upgraded computer systems. I believe that this is a great analogy for what is happening now. The two systems 3D and 5D are running in parallel. When the nexus event happens, the 5D system will become main operating system for those “users” or souls that have migrated (or chosen) to move to the new system. Some souls may chose to stay in the 3D system and experience the negative timeline. It wont be switched off as such but will operate separately from the 5D system.
When you fully understand the Unique self, you can enter the wonderful space of Non-Judgement. You realise everyone has a unique set of experiences, a unique timeline and personality. The mystery is that while we are all unique, we are also parts of the Whole. As the Whole is holographic, each of us contain the information of the Whole. This way of comprehending yourself, leads to a major step on the Ascension path – realising who you are.
The Great Solar Flash will activate the Ascension event where everyone will be offered a Choice. This book explains the Choice in terms of timelines: Timeline 1 the Paradise timeline and Timeline 2 the Armageddon timeline. In the previous book, Ascension was explained in terms of the arrival of the Diamond light, the initiations on the Christ path and the Harvest. The advice is to raise your frequency so the transition to 5th density consciousness can be made with Grace and Ease.
Sources of Information
As explained in One Way Zen part 1 I like to “triangulate” information by checking a variety of reliable sources and comparing them. What I have found is that all information is provided based on unique perspectives. This is true even for information from Extra Terrestrials. All information, even from very high sources, comes with a specific perspective and agenda of the Being giving the information.
One of my favourite methods of obtaining information from higher beings is through deep regression or hypnosis. Dolores Cannon pioneered this. She was fully conscious, and her client was deeply regressed lying on a bed. She would ask questions and get answers transmitted through the deeply regressed person.
The same method was used for the Law of One or Ra material and for the Urantia Book. I am not sure how Ashayana Deane received the information she presents. It is incredibly detailed, so my guess it was given through audibly or via visions direct to her. She did not use “channelling” and she warned against channels. I agree, information given via a channelling process can be unreliable. However, I have to listened to Kryon (via Lee Carrol) and Bashar (via Daryl Anker).
It is up to you to figure out what information you accept or reject. For me, I feel Ashayana Deane information is reliable, but as with anything it does not quite tie into other information from other seemingly reliable sources such as Elena Danaan (via Thor Han and others). It kind of sits on its own as a very complex explanation of Galactic/Universal history, energetics. Geometry and ascension process and timing. Unfortunately, the predictions for the SAC 2012 to 2017 do not appear to have come to pass, so there must be some doubt as to the veracity of the other information. But as the information is so detailed and “special” I have decided to go ahead and write this book which is mainly based on the information from Ashayana Deane (Speaker One).
Journey hOMe.
As explained in the previous books the journey hOMe is a unique journey, for each one of us in this local universe virtual reality or as I call it in part 1 – Q♀VR
“I have invented a term for my understanding of the VR we are living in - Q♀VR. Q for Quantum; ♀ for the sacred, the feminine organic, feeling nature of our soul; and VR for virtual reality. Because we feel and suffer here, the world is more than a heartless emptiness. I have represented this as a ♀. This is the traditional symbol for the feminine (or for Venus), as I wanted to capture the feeling or organic nature of this reality. This aspect of reality is perhaps the most important. It is the source of the Good, the Beautiful and the True. It is the source of your heart-based care for the world, including yourself. It is part of the Soul and contains within it the path back to Source. It connects your breath to the breath of God. You are part of the body of Christ, the ♀ in Q♀VR”
The journey hOMe is explained in Part 1 in two ways:
The inner journey to the Holy Grail or the Kingdom within.
And the outer journey to the centre of the Universe (Salvington) and onwards to even higher level of consciousness.
This book adds a third explanation, that provided by Ashayana Deane. This explanation is that we return using the Adashi Return cycle.
The outer one requires space travel, and this is our “Star Trek” future was we explore this galaxy and local universe. But it is the first option of the inner journey that is the most powerful aspect of who we are as humans – i.e. ensouled beings with human avatars and both the local heart (i.e. Personal Love – chakra 4 and the newly arising feminine goddess energy of the Higher Heart (chakra 8 or the Krystos heart which directly connects with the Earth star chakra, and the soul star chakra and ultimate to the very source of this time matrix. The full story of the creation of this time matrix which includes multiple virtual reality “instances” of this local universe in an infinite sized quantum world of the multiverse.
Good News
This book is the good news that “Truth will out”. The Bard (Shakespeare) always explains it with such simplicity. So, in the very near future – almost as I am writing this. The Intergalactics are here and have adjudicated the Anunnaki family. This is the family that was given the management of the Earth by the Abraxas empire. This is a huge galactic level empire. It claimed ownership of Earth. This is a complex story explained in more detail in Chapter X.
In 2012 there was a change in management when Kimberley Goguen replaced Marduke as the “CEO” i.e. the person at the top of the Human Control System. This system had been built by Marduke and his predecessor Prince Yu (Enlil). It has taken a while for the transition to take place. In 2018 the “lower” management team, ie the Deep State, was given 3 years to change its ways, which it failed to do. It was then given a 6-month extension. As the Deep State continued with its crazy plans, a decision was made that if anybody steps out of line, makes a bad life choice, they would be terminated. This has happened many times and whole swathes of lower management are no longer on the planet. We are now down to the bottom of the barrel. The last few operatives.
Exciting times
Each local universe receives the gift of a paradise son that will become sovereign the king of kings and that being was Jesus. But the story of Jesus or Yeshua+ is very complex and needs a lot of sorting out.
Loving your friends and family is easy, we also need to love everyone that is here that is human. When it comes to AI human synths (and the portal people) from phantom earth or the Wesadek local virtual reality ie the darkest place of Hell the darkest beings that all worship Lucifer – this is Anu the All father or Wotan or Odin) in the story and there are two sons but only one was fully reptilian i.e. dragon royalty that was Enlil. Enlil actually means military commander or commander in chief, but there was an equal Anunnaki son called Enki or Prince Ea.
All adjudicated and Ciakahrr empire and Orion Greys are completely defeated. The galactic federation will soon have a new member after the restoration of planet earth which maybe only last a few more months before the first BIG solar flash, now due March/April 2024 according to Richard Alan Miller.
This is the splitting of the timelines mentioned in part 2. Heaven on Earth or Sin less living here on earth in light and love where we are all brothers and sisters in 5th dimensional consciousness – living as abundant Beings under the Emerald Covenant.