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Foreword to One Way Zen Part 3

Writer's picture: Ocean MelchizedekOcean Melchizedek

Updated: Apr 28, 2024


This book is the third book in the One Way Zen series. I self-published the first book, One Way Zen in 2019 and the second book in 2021.  A summary of both books is provided in Chapter 1. This book updates both previous books with current information. It contains additional “downloads” and knowledge that I have been gifted up to 2024.

As explained in One Way Zen, the spiritual journey never ends. There are always new areas to explore and information to integrate. This was the case when I returned to the Voyagers material. The Voyagers books were written by Ashayana Deane based on some mysterious objects called the CDT plates and information from the Guardian Alliance. The plan was that these Grail line teachings would be given to humanity to enable a smooth ascension process. Almost immediately the teachings became distorted. The distorted teachings become part of the religious control system. Jesus tried to change this and bring the original Grail line teachings back, but very quickly they morphed back to the domination and control system.

Voyagers material

I came across the book Voyagers II: The Secrets of Amenti many years ago when I lived in Alfriston. At the time it all looked too complicated, so I put it to one side. This was following some advice I had received when studying Buddhas teachings. If there is something that you find difficult to understand, do not reject it. Just put it to one side for a future date when you are ready for it.

Recently, inspired in part by Ismael Perez, I have obtained a copy of the book Voyagers II. I have read it cover to cover. I have also watched a lot of YouTube videos of conferences and workshops given by Ashayana Deane in the 1990s and early 2000s. The source for the material in the books and talks come from a group that is called the Guardian Alliance. They provide an extremely complex set of teachings, science, and history.

Stellar Activation Cycle

The Voyagers material includes information about the ascension mechanics that will be used during the Stellar Activation Cycle (SAC) . This was predicted to take place 2012 to 2017. There are 3 paths given in the Voyagers material:

  1. Voyager’s leap

  2. Bridge Zone

  3. Phantom Earth descension

My understanding is that the Bridge Zone path did not manifest, and we are now on a different timeline which converges to a nexus point when it will bifurcate into two as explained in One Way Zen part 2:

  1. Ascension timeline – which seems to be like the Voyagers leap described in the Voyager’s material.

  2. Armageddon timeline – which seems to be aligned with the Phantom Earth descension.

The timeline split was predicted to occur in 2012. We expected a major event to occur in 2012. There was a big movement in the spiritual community, headed by such luminaries as Barbara Marx Hubbard, Drunvalo Melchizedek and others, relating to the end of the Mayan calendar on 21st December 2012. Of course, we were all disappointed when nothing seemed to happen. Perhaps the timing was out by a few years and the big event has yet to happen.

Great Solar Flash

As explained in My Way Zen part 1, the prediction is for the Great Solar Flash (GSF) i.e., the bifurcation event, to occur between now and 2029. This prediction was updated in My Way Zen part 2 to a possible window of 2026 to 2028. The GSF arrives in waves. We are currently experiencing the build up to the main wave which will occur in the next few years. 

Predicting the future is fraught with problems as the events occur in “Event time” i.e. an event will occur when a prior event occurs. If that event is delayed, then all future events on that timeline are delayed. Alternatively, if an event occurs sooner than expected, then all future events on that time line will be advanced. This maybe what has happened with the Great Solar Flash which could happen next year, 2025.

Voyagers material predictions

An example of the reverse are the predictions in the Voyagers material. These do not appear to have happened. So there is naturally some doubt about the information provided by Ashayana Deane. Nevertheless, because the information that she presents from the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO) is so rich, I have dedicated this book to exploring this information and comparing it to my understandings of the ascension process presented in my earlier two books.

According to Ashayana Deane in her talk on Project Camelot with Kerry Cassidy, our sun’s prana seed was destroyed by the negative forces, and it is now undergoing its Bardo cycle i.e., the stages leading to its death. Because of this humanity is on an evacuation protocol. This evac protocol may last 200 years.

Office of the Guardian

Another massive source of new material comes from Kimberly (Kim) Ann Goguen who holds the Office of the Guardian. I have dedicated a chapter to summarise this material. Kim explains that she has taken over the top “chair” of the Human Control System left by Marduke ( a member of the Anunnaki royal family). 


I have also added information about the Anunnaki. This information comes from many years of research, coupled with the information provided mainly by Elena Danaan, Paul Wallas, Michael Salla on Exopolitics, Dan Winter, Zecharia Sitchin, Michael Tellinger and others. I first heard about these ET “Gods” who appear in the Bible from a talk by Michael Tellinger in 2013.

In chapter 7, I will make the link between Caligastia (Urantia Book), Marduke (Anunnaki) and Yahweh (the false god in the Bible, based on the work of Paul Wallas).

Acknowledgments and Dedication

I would like to give a big shout out to my teachers and guides and all those referred to in this book, including Ashayana Deane, Kim Goguen, Elena Danaan, and Michael Salla.

Current Situation 2024

In my view, we are way overdue for an “event” that will wake up the final “stick in the muds” and those that are still “sleep walking”. Apparently, we needed to go through the hardships that we are currently experiencing in order to maximise the Harvest.  These are:

  • The plandemic – i.e. Covid

  • Cost of living crisis

  • NWO (New World Order) totalitarian control through social credit systems, surveillance, 5G etc.

  • Potential food shortages, energy crises, supply chain issues etc etc

  • and the predicted financial crash.

As my good friend Christof Melchizedek explained in a recent email the structure behind all this is:

  • The Academic Indoctrination system of School and College – to lock humanity in its mental body and split off from the emotional, empathic, and loving soul intelligence

  • The Scientific Model of Control - using controlled science narratives to push forward agendas

  • The Military Industrial Complex – to keep people in perpetual states of fear

  • The Mainstream Media – the propaganda arm designed to sell narratives

  • Governments - who do not serve the people but the lobbying and interest groups that fund their campaigns

  • The Pharmaceutical Industry – designed to degenerate biology

  • The World Financial Slavery System – Central banks to keep people in financial enslavement

  • The various Intelligence Agencies and Governments – the major thrust of control that gives the illusion of freedom through democracy, yet carries out a policy through Fascism

  • The Big Tech FAANG group – data harvesting and information control system

  • Religious control structures across Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – feed into the False Father God Matrix capping consciousness

As mentioned in the first book, please do your own research. Researching information and coming to your own views, your own truth, is very much part of the journey.

Despite the intensity of the energies, a major event has happened. The river of living water is flowing. This means that finally our reality has switched over to all light. There is now zero chance that the dark agenda will win. We have made it. We can now look forward to planetary liberation being achieved, perhaps as early as this year or next year.

Obviously, it will take time to change the broken systems and restore our planet back to the full expression of Heaven on Earth. Fortunately, with the funds and technology available to the Office of the Guardian and others, as explained in Chapter 6, the transformation and restoration will not take too long.

Ocean Melchizedek

February 2024, York, Yorkshire & Barcelona, Spain

Addendum March 2024

Over Christmas 2023, there was a major breakup in UNN. Lisa Thomas (who headed up the Global Health and Wellness centre), Vera and others left UNN. It is not clear who instigated this. Kimberly Goguen and the rest of the UNN team moved to a different website platform and is still sending out news updates.

The main claim made by those that left is that Kim does not have access to the Global Repository Fund, and doubt over whether this exists at all. There is also Team Bubba who claim Kim is a fraud and her material is mostly lies. I have tried to investigate their claims, but it is not easy and some go way back to the time Kim was linked with someone called Tank. 

My confidence level in the material from Kim has reduced. I had expected the Global Repository Fund to be released last year (2023). At the time of writing this, it still has not been released, further reducing my confidence in Kim. I had debated removing the information about UNN from this book, but I have decided leave it in as it has been part of my journey - the My Way Zen aspect of this story.

In the end, as with everything, you need to do your own research and see what resonates with you. With all the misinformation/ disinformation, it is getting extremely difficult to find solid ground in this crazy world. 

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