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Harmonic Universes and the structure of reality

Writer's picture: Ocean MelchizedekOcean Melchizedek

In My Way Zen part 1 (p70 Chapter 5) there was a short section on Harmonic Universes:

"To do this, it helps to have a map of consciousness. The main one I use is the map provided by IODP. Here is a brief summary of the dimensions or layers of density from our 3D layer (the first layer) up to the Avatar layer:

There are even higher states of consciousness e.g. the Avatar and Rishi levels 10th to 15th, but these are so far above where we are now, they are impossible to explain at our current level of consciousness. So, I have left them out of the above table.

We are currently at 3rd density in our waking state and experience part of the 4th density during our dream state. We are collectively on the verge of a major shift to the 5th density consciousness. This is where we become unconditionally loving beings in a Golden Age. New chakras in our body become activated and we manifest our new race genetic in bodily form."

It turns out, the table from IDOP was based on the map of reality from the Voyagers material. This has a total of 5 Harmonic Universes (HUs) in the Universal Templar for this Time Matrix:

HU 1 is the first layer (3D) with the first 3 dimensions - Earth

HU 2 is the second layer (Soul) - dimensions 4 to 6 - Tara

HU 3 is the third layer (Monad) - dimensions 7 to 9 - Gaia

As noted above, I left out the 4th and 5th layers as they are so far above where we are now. But here they are for reference

HU 4 - Avatar level - dimensions 10 to 12 - Aramatena

HU 5 - Rishi level - dimension 13 to 15 - Beyond Names

Yesterday, I received a "download" for an analogy using IT language for understanding the fractal layered nature of the above map of reality / consciousness. Computers have layers of program code from the "user" front end down to machine code. What if these layers are like the layers of harmonic universes in the Universal Templar?

HU 1 Application layer

HU 1 would be the top most layer - the application layer. This is the user interface or experience of the Virtual Reality and is the top layer. This is often referred to in the IT world as an App. Basically we as ensouled beings have an interface or app that sits on top of the operating system layer or HU 2.

HU 2 Operating System layer

From this layer, manifestation in HU1 is possible. In IT language, the application layer makes calls to the operating system (OS) to perform various actions (exactly what these are depends on the OS) and displays the results in the App or user interface.

If you are a developer and have permission, you can access the OS layer. If you have significant authority (like SAPALL) you can access the layers of code at an even deeper level - the machine code layer.

HU 3 Machine code

Anyone who was around when personal computers first became readily available, will remember you could program at the machine code layer. This layer is not quite the very bottom. At the very bottom there is just a series 1s and 0s ie at the binary code level.

At the machine code level, you can by pass the authorisation system. As I understand it the authorisation system works as part of the OS layer. At HU3 you are working directly with the underlying code of the Virtual Reality. I call this Hacking Reality. See page 35 (MWZ pt 1) :

Hacking Reality

When I recognised that we are living in a virtual reality, I realised it could be possible to “Hack” reality, to find the “back doors” to use computer tech terminology, to find “short cuts”, ways or processes to activate the Q♀VR to speed up the ascension process for ourselves and for all of Humanity.

Here you can send push and pop commands to the "The Stack" - ie the CPU. This is the HU 3 level of power. At this level you can directly "co-create" with the VR and create seeming miracles. There are many examples of humans who have had this level of ability. My favourites, apart from Jesus, the Master, are:

Padmasambhava- Guru Rinpoche

He could apparently alter weather, conjure up mists and even create the illusion of a whole army.

St Patrick

St Patrick apparently flew across from Cornwall to Ireland on a flying stone tablet. Cool!

Levitating monks

Early on in my journey (this life time) I was fascinated by stories levitating monks. The monks were high lamas initiated into the "siddhis". My favourites, of course were the stories of Japanese & Tibetan monks in the books by Dr DT Suzuki.

IT Analogy

So we have taken you on a. journey inside a computer's software. First to the user interface (an example would be a GUI - Graphical User Interface such as displayed on a monitor) or as an App on a smart phone. The journey continues down to the operating system (and database) layer down to machine code. Each layer has more power over what the computer does, but is vastly more complex than the layer above. It is therefore more difficult to understand and master.

Of course, the IT analogy is just that, an analogy (or map) of the Q♀VR. There are many levels within each of the 3 primary layers. Beyond these, there is the quantum layer. Only recently have quantum computers become widely available. This layer could be equivalent to HU 4. This is the Ground of Being or alaya - vijnana:

Alaya-vijnana, (Sanskrit: “storehouse consciousness”) key concept of the Vijnanavada (“Consciousness-affirming”) Since that school maintains that no external reality exists, while retaining the position that knowledge, and therefore a knowable, exists, it assumes that knowledge itself is the object of consciousness. It therefore postulates a higher storage consciousness, the final basis of the apparent individual. From Britannica

At this level, you can understand the final step in the famous Heart Sutra:

"Form is not other than emptiness and emptiness is not other than form".

The quantum HU 4 layer is the virtual reality (of HU3 to HU1) and Q♀VR is HU4. At this level you have complete Creation/Decreation abilities - the level of the Christos Founders who can create Time Matrices. They created the Time Matrix that includes our Local Universe (Nebadon) - see page 131 &132 of MWZ pt 1.

Beyond HU 4, you are in Paradise or Base Reality, where the Celestial Beings reside. Nothing can be said about this layer, other than it is pure LOVE. It is way beyond words or thoughts etc. The Nameless as the Tao puts it:

Chapter 1 Tao Te Ching (Lao Tzu)

tao k’o tao, fei ch’ang tao.ming k’o ming, fei ch’ang ming.wu, ming t’ien ti chih shih.yu, ming wan wu chih mu. 掏空’喔套, 非常’昂套.明快’喔名, 非常’昂名.無, 明天’i恩踢吃還是很.與, 明晚無恥航母

The DAO that can be expressed is not the eternal DAO.The name that can be named is not the eternal name.

Translated into German by Richard Wilhelm (1910),thence into English by H.G. Ostwald (1985)


In summary, there are multiple layers of coding from the machine layer right up to the application layer. This mirrors the way the virtual reality is structured in harmonic universe layers. What is experienced at the 3D level is the top layer, the user interface or GUI. At deeper or higher dimensions, you are working with the fundamental way the VR works. This involves "energy work", psychic surgery, sacred geometry, symbols, frequencies of light, crystals, homeopathy, essential oils and other ways of communicating at a more fundamental level. When we fully merge with the 5D level, we will be able to connect (more easily) with the quantum layer. Many people can already do this - the super psychics and hose with psionic abilities.

Manifestation will be a lot easier. At higher, deeper levels we can control the "machine code" layer or the base layer of the VR. At this level you can perform miracles "daily". In a way, we are already performing miracles. One of my favourite Koans is the one about an old "decrepit" lady at a tea shop frequented by monks:

Magou, Nanquan, and another monk were on pilgrimage. Along the way they met a woman who had a tea shop. The woman prepared a pot of tea and brought three cups. She said to them, "Oh monks, let those of you with miraculous powers drink tea."

The three looked at each other and the woman said "Watch this decrepit old woman show her own miraculous powers." Then she picked up the cups, poured the tea, and went out.

Note 1 Assembly and machine code

Back in the 1970s, I bought a Tandy TRS80. I have fond memories of the first personal computers from the Commodore Pet to the very first Apple computers (mine was an apple II, TRS80, Sinclair's ZX80, Amstrad and the Amiga game computers. For some reason, I decided to see how the TRS80 worked.

I spent time learning the programming language it used which was written in Z80, which is an assembly language. This means that after writing the program in (Zilog Z80), the computer would "compile" the code into machine code. At the machine level you needed to understand what was going on in the CPU (Central Processing Unit), specifically the Stack. Push commands would put pieces of data into the CPU stack at the top and all previous machine codes would be pushed one step down. A pop command would output the topmost machine code. This is a simplistic explanation as there were various versions of the push and pop commands which could effect other registers etc. You can still find the Z80 manual online.

Nowadays, the operation of machine code will be vastly more complex as you can have threading, expanded caching, multiple CPUs etc.

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