In My Way Zen part 1 and 2, I referred to the Great Solar Flash as a moment of choice - the choice between two timelines:
Timeline 1 - Armageddon timeline
Timeline 2 - Paradise timeline
I categorised humanity into three groups:
Negative agenda beings - most likely to choose Timeline 1 and experience a dystopian future where they are in charge as the global elite, and we are the slaves in a hunger games type set up.
The "awake" spiritual group who will choose the ascension timeline into 5D and higher states of consciousness.
and the middle group - which I called the "sleepwalkers". It was not clear at the time of writing those books, what would happen to this group.
There was another concept - the Harvest as described in the RA material (and also in the Bible as a parable). The idea is to maximise the number of people that chose the ascension timeline, ie move from the sleepwalker middle category into the awake category.
In the appendix, I mentioned that the bifurcation at the choice point may actually quickly become a trifurcation. The paradise timeline would quickly split into two primary timelines:
Organic group - people living in nature, evolving organically.
Technology group - people moving into "smart" cities, with robots and cyborgs etc.
Since writing parts 1 & 2, more and more people are tuning into these ideas. Here are two examples from people I follow:
Jim Tourtsakis, the Unknown lightwarrior leads the 144K mass meditations. In his pdf Predictions 2024 Timeline To Planetary Liberation E-Book, he makes the prediction that by the end of 2024 we will have some major events, particularly in the USA.

His analysis is that people will ascend into 5D (ie HU2), but a lot of the middle group, those that are "sleepwalking" will still ascend into HU2 but to 4D. They will experience a lot of chaos as the old paradigm systems break down. Under the Harvest concept, we wish that as few people are in this group as possible.
I think that is an interesting possibility, which gives a more nuanced view of the sleepwalker group, ie they are still on Timeline 1 the paradise timeline but do make the full ascension jump in the first wave at the Great Solar Flash. They have to go through a period of "tribulation" before waking up and ascending to 5D (and beyond) in future waves.
Future Forecasting Group
In have only recently been following this group - Dick Allgire and other remote viewers. Unfortunately, the material produced by the remote viewing group is behind a paywall. I have subscribed to discover the detail of what the group called the Event. However one of the interviews with Clif High is available for free here:
In September 2023, they were tasked with remote viewing a future event, but instead of viewing that event, they picked up another event. Apparently this can happen. If an event has such a major impact on the timelines, it over shadows other events. It will be the one picked up rather than the intended event. The viewing was actually on the anniversary of 9/11 which was one of these major events that has a profound effect on the human noosphere.
Remote viewing
My understanding of how remote viewing works is based on the idea that we are living in a virtual reality which works based on the theories explained by Tom Campbell's BIG Toe. Each frame in the VR (a world frame) is recorded in the akashic records (Hall of Records) when experienced. All possible future events are calculated by the virtual reality processor, each with a probability according to a tight rule set - for our "physical" reality. In quantum terms, a selection is made from the pool (finite) of all possible future world frames, and the one selected is experienced. It is stored in the akashic records and the time coordinate is advanced by "delta T". The probabilities of all future events are adjusted and the selection process occurs again, and so on.
Remote viewers can see these future events. If they are accurate, they will pick up on the most probable future events ie the ones on the most probable timeline. But and this is a big but, if the events (world frames) that manifest are different to this time line, other events become the most probable and the event that is remote viewed is not longer the most probable and therefore unlikely to happen.
But some events are so "massive", that they will happen even if the timelines change. It would need a major change to the timeline for such a massive event not to occur.