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Pilgrims Page

Planetary Healers Yorkshire is planning the next stage of the Emerald Covenant restoration process. This is part of the Guardians of Gaia program which was inspired by the Leaders of the New Earth (IODP). The plan is to restore the connection of Stargate 11 (Pewsey) to Stargate 12 (Montsegur). The accomplishment of this will enable humanity to "remember" their connection to "All That Is" ie Unity consciousness or "We are all One". This will mean the end of war and the establishment of Heaven on Earth ie the Golden Age timelines.
The story behind these stargates goes back many years - 250 billion years ago and perhaps even longer.

Plan for pilgrimage

We will fly to Toulouse and hire a car to drive down to Montsegur. On Summer Solstice we will enter the Montsegur site to carry out the activation of the 12th stargate and its reconnection to the rest of the grid system. The ceremony for the activation will focus on the Excalibur code and the omni core geometry with the water blessing.

Details of the plan is in the pdf:

Pilgrims will receive the code that can access the following pages:


Kathara grid

The project is to restore the Kathara Grid. More details about this geometry can be seen here:


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