We are living in Extraordinary times!
The Covid Flu continues with ever worsening restrictions. Joe Biden pretends to be President with a fake inauguration etc etc.
The key is to understand the "frequency battle" that is taking place - those in the 5th density of love, compassion and forgiveness, and those living in the "3D" polarity of fear and despair.
So we met up to raise the frequency of ourselves, York, the UK and the Planet at our Planetary City of Light at St Mary's Abbey (Museum gardens) at 2 pm. The team assembled at the central yew tree (Ocean, Pauline, Ron, Janet and Kevin). We then proceeded to the various cardinal points, activating pillars of light and then to the west node (the yew tree grove) for the meditations:
Ave Maria (sung by the incomparable Pavarotti).
2. Ho'oponopono (sung by the Osborns)
and finally the prayer of Forgiveness by Desert Rose
The beauty of the trees, the birds and squirrels all become part of the Prayer at this critical time for our Ascension in 5D.
Thank you so much for being able to do this sacred work for the healing of the Planet (Cosmic Mother Mary Queen of Heaven).