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Example of play
This is an example of the screenshots to send in to for an successful challenge on 4th March 2021.

Start screen
AI Difficulty Hard
Map selection - Autumn
All factions on Random
Time 6214 - ie 6.21 am

First screen
Vagabond Wins = You
Time 63859 - ie 6.39 am

Second screen
Alliance Wins = You
Time 65646 - ie 6.56 am

Third screen
Marquise Wins = You
Time 71907 - ie 7.19 am

Fourth screen = Win
Eyrie Wins = You
Time 74231 - ie 7.42 am
Challenge time
Start screen 6.21 am
Final screen 7.42 am
Total time = 1hr 21mins
Time allowance 4 games x 25 mins each = 100 mins or 1hr 40 mins.
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