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The Great Awakening

The Great Awakening or the Great Revealing is happening right now. It was prophesied many years ago in the Bible, particularly in the final book of the Bible - the Book or Revelations or the Apocalypse.


We are very fortunate in York, that our forefathers devoted a huge amount of money and effort to build the majestic cathedral York Minster. The pride of place for any windows is always the east window and York Minster is no exception.


The Great East Window  portrays God as the Alpha and Omega right at the top of the window . It the shows the angels, saints and prophets (in what is called the Tracery). Then it shows the start of creation right through to the End Times as shown by the Book of Revelations which is the main topic of this website.

I Am the Alpha and Omega

The top most panel from the window.

The Book of Revelations

The Book of Revelations is an extraordinary book that contains a series of visions received by St John about the End Times. He wrote it in a poetic fashion, so some of it is not literally true, but it is poetically or energetically true.


As it is such an important book (well it was back when Christianity was at its full flowering in the middle ages when the Minster was built), it has had a lot of edits and changes in the order of events. So it takes a bit of time to unravel.


This website blog attempts to do the unraveling, so that the information contained in this book can be understood as a prophecy for the times we are living in right now.


The explanation below can be read alongside a book I have written called My Way Zen. I am writing another book My Way Zen Part 2 which will explain about the Timelines and the Planetary Reboot/Global Reset. So some of the information here is from the draft of the second book in the series.

The Apocalypse

The Apocalypse in Greek means the great awakening, but as this was the name given to the story in final book in the bible, Apocalypse is often thought to refer to the series of disasters etc in this book.


In my view the End times is not the end of time, but rather the end of an age and the start of a new one, the Age of Aquarius or the Age of truth. There are many names for this process and some of them are set out in Appendix 4 of My Way Zen.


This process is activated by the passage of our planet (and Solar system) around a 72,000 year cycle called the precession of equinoxes. We are at the key moment before the final solar flash (GSF) which will propel those of us in the Ascension group to raise our frequencies to 5th Density consciousness. In fact this is already happening to various awakened individuals and places around the world.


Timeline Wars

Another way of looking at this process is to understand that we are living in a virtual reality which is multi dimensional. Our individual experiences can be seen as a timeline stretching through world frames in multidimensional time/space. As will be explained in My Way Zen part 2, these timelines collectively converge to a nexus point which is inevitable. From this nexus point there are two choices:


Timeline 1: Paradise or Ascension timeline


Timeline 2: Armageddon or Dystopian deep state control timeline, involving a third world war and lots of natural disasters.


If you were not aware of what is going on, then you could easily mistake Timeline 2 for Timeline 1.


Both timelines are portrayed in the Book of Revelations, and due to the edits and changes in order, it is difficult to distinguish these timelines. The next two pages presents my understanding of the two timelines:


The Sevens

The Seven candlesticks, trumpets,thunders etc.


The Judgement and timeline split

The war in heaven, the harlot & the beast, judgement and its resolution.

The Window

The majority of panels can be viewed in the correct order: God as Alpha and Omega, the angels and prophets, the creation story and the rest of the story up to the middle of row 11 where the Book of Revelations starts (panel 11e), with the Vision of the Candle sticks. 

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Ocean Melchizedek

I am a Yorkshire man living in York. My main mission is to support the Great Awakening in Yorkshire, England and the Planet.

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