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Writer's picture: Ocean MelchizedekOcean Melchizedek

Updated: Mar 4, 2024

Democracy is a greek derived work that combines two ideas: 

  • Demo - the People

  • cracy - from archon - meaning to rule or govern

the types of governance which will govern using various controls. The different types refers to who is in charge of the controls:

  • Technocracy - governed by Technocrats

  • Plutocracy - governed by Rich

  • Democracy - governed by the People

  • Monarchy - governed by a Monarch

  • Anarchy - no government (Note1)

  • and so on.

So the original idea for democracy is rule by the People. The problem was that in 500bc (when the greeks came up with the idea, there was no mechanism where all the people could vote for all the legislation. So the solution was for the people to elect representatives who would travel to the capital where the control system was located. The representative was meant to vote based on the views of the people that the representative was representing.

One can quickly see that major problems could arise with the mechanism. So right at the beginning, it was not governance by the people, but governance by the representative of the people.

I live in the United kingdom. This is the location of the mother of all parliaments - Westminster parliament. It supposedly is a democracy, but is actually a constitutional monarchy, with the false version of democracy.

The party political system ensures the representatives do not have a free vote, but have to vote in accordance with the party's whip. This is not democracy but an arm of the dominate and control system.

It is even worse than that. The representatives are mostly selected and not elected. We think our vote makes a difference,. It does to some extent, but the key power system remains in the hands of the Deep State. The Deep State selects candidates and each person "elected" has a handler. If they don't "toe the line", a major media attack will result. A great example is how they took apart Jeremy Corbyn who did not bend his knee to the Deep State.

Note 1

Anarchy is a special case of governing. Ana in greek means the opposite, ie anarchy means the opposite of governing or no government as in no central governing authority. This is how biological systems work. If you spend time in a forest or any other natural system you will not find a central governing authority. Instead you will find lots of individual biological entities co-operating or competing in an organic natural way.

It can seem like chaos, but there is an intrinsic order, but a natural order, not a man made order. You can see the difference between a ancient forest untouched by man and a formal garden with human gardeners.

My suggestion is to spend time in nature, contemplating the real meaning of anarchy.

This is my advice in my blog post on my liberation blog on the Emerald Covenant.

"The way to see the Emerald Covenant in operation, my suggestion is head to an old organic forest and feel the way life, the trees, plants, animals work together to create a harmonious and balanced system for the natural growth of all species in the forest."

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