White Rose Gaia
White Rose Gaia is a not for profit organization that is part of the OM Peace Foundation.
It has many projects, some of which are active and some are waiting for funding, or put on ice. Here is a list:
1. A plan to organise men only Forest Wisdom talks at Jolly Days, York. More details here
2. A plan for a Wake Up Yorkshire tour in 2024 after a major disclosure in mass media.
3. Distribute, for free, sacred healing water and oils.
4. Monitor the state of our rivers in Yorkshire. Please refer to this page for details.
5. Sponsor the Bless the Water program for Yorkshire conducted by Planetary Healers Yorkshire.
6. Quantaphi Sound Healing - iPhire. (Awaiting funding)
7. Sacred Grove activations.
8. One Earth Nation (on ice)
9. The overall objective is to assist in the Great Awakening.
Also previously WRG was the York hub for the distribution of the Light Truthpaper.
White Rose Gaia Blessing Tour
White Rose Gaia (WRG) is sponsoring the Blessing Tour initiated in 2021 to Bless the Rivers and Grids of Yorkshire, using the Planetary Healers Yorkshire protocols, including the White Rose Gaia Alpha and Omega codes. More details can be found here.
Sacred Healing Water
From Era of Peace website:
A gift of Sacred Healing Water is being presented to Humanity by the Company of Heaven. It has been consecrated to heal the pain, grief, sadness, anger, fear, loneliness and failure consciousness stored in our feelings and our emotional bodies. The Holy Water was collected from Healing Springs all over the world. Thousands of Lightworkers have been using this Healing Water, and the effect has been exponential. The Sacred Healing Water is now coursing through oceans, lakes, rivers, waterways, drinking water, bathing water and the physical bodies of Humanity.
The Sacred Healing Water is being distributed FREE for the asking as a Gift of Love. You may freely give the Healing Water away, but it is not to be bought or sold. Instructions that specifically tell you how to activate additional water, so that your supply of Healing Water will be endless, need to be included. These can be found here.
To order your free water, please complete the order form on the Sacred Water page
WRG Save Britain's Rivers
White Rose Gaia (WRG) will sponsor a project to investigate the legal and other status of pollution events caused by Yorkshire Water (and others) in relation to the rivers that flow into and through Yorkshire. Here are more details